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Elephant spotted on the edge of the sun

Kaptain Klevtsov

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Great shot, the flare seems to be either pretty permament, as I think it is about at the same place on the Sun as on the shots I took of the Eclipse in March. Incidentally, we could calculate the distance it goes out from the Sun, if you have a complete picture of the sun with a flare on it. For starters, the Sun is 864,900 miles at it's equator, so measure the size of the flare in mm, measure the diameter of the Sun in mm, divide the smaller figure into the bigger figure, this will give you the ratio of the flare to the diameter, now divide 864,900 by the answer and you should have the length of the flare. Good Luck!

Of course, the flare is really a Prominence, which as we all know is a dense cloud of gas, suspended above the Sun by magnetic fields hence the curls. There are smaller jets of gas called Spicules which are very short lived and are approximately 6,000 miles long.

We only see the flares along the edge of the Sun, but they must be occuring all over the place.

Hope to see more of your shots.

Cheers Adrian

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