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PST etc owners, try to get out NOW!! (09:39 13th April)


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I can't quite believe it!

To give some idea how big this is, I moved the sun out of the field and this cloud of expelled material was still 1/4 of the way to centre of the field.

It has a huge sort of circular shape absolutely miles from the sun.

Absolutely brilliant! I've had the pst since before the last solar maximum but this is by far the most amazing and dynamic thing I've seen.

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From where I am the main cloud has dispersed out of vision. It's not been helped by the milky sky. I could still catch the part which wasn't ejected a few minutes ago but now the clouds are thickening fast.

I'll have another look though.

Hope someone got an image as this is a really exceptional event!

TJ, a big thank you for posting as I would have missed this otherwise. You've made my week!

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I'm glad others have seen this, being retired I have no excuse for not having a look. At 10.25 this morning I set up my Skywatcher 100ED/PST combination and was at once struck by a detached "V" shaped prominence looking like a Stealth bomber coming in to land. The PST end piece still has the 5mm blocking filter so the field is not much larger than the solar disc, however, as the mount is undriven, the image had drifted somewhat on the next viewing revealing this enormouse extra cloud as described, certainly the furthest out from the Sun that I have ever seen. If the sky hadn't been rather milky it would have been even more spectacular. Unfortunately, no imaging equipment to hand, hope someone was better prepared. Fading an hour later followed by complete wipeout with cloud.

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Didn't get a chance on this one Tim, saw a tweet about it and that large filament indicated this would happen.

Am bringing a barrage of Solar goodness to SGL5...so hopefully we'll get some good Sun

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I managed to get the SM60 double stack out this morning and imaged through milky skies...

The CME was very noticable and later there was a second part which quickly shot up and brighten then faded.

Also a fantastic collection of proms around the disk!!!!

I'll try to upload some images later today.

I went single stack at f8 to get some wide field proms/ surface.... I'd forgotten how different everything looks at 0.8A - the background glow was very bad, whereas in the double stack it was still reasonably dark.

BTW couldn't see the second "lump" of CME single stacked....


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great thanks Ken! I was rounding up customers at the garden centre today and saying "You wanna see something REALLY special?" Got a few funny looks :p

That was really an exceptional happening, and thoroughly enjoyable.

Nick, I'll be bringing my PST and the Vixen from Rich Winters, and there is something else I am wondering about with an SCT. Cant wait to catch up :)

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