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Pleiades - a new approach.


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I seem to be having a blue period at the moment... Anyway, this was taken with the Tak 85 at native in the OSC Atik 4000. (I wanted to use the reducer but could not get the M42 double male adapter out of the mono camera. Grrr.)

I followed guest Maurice Toet's lead and tried ten minute exposures, somethng I would have thought insane. But does it ever work for the nebulosity and dust. Then I shot some 2 min subs for the stars.

(15 x 10 mins and 23 x 2 mins all last nght.)

It is a really tricky fella, this one, but there is some trace of the faint dusty reds. Also, note the rare Bahtinov star in the cluster...



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note the rare Bahtinov star in the cluster...

You exposed a sub or two through the focusing mask, didn't you! Been there, done that ... nice image, all the same.

And you're right, you simply do need long exposures to beat down the signal to noise ratio in that faint nebulosity. There's no substitute for capturing lots of photons.

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Olly, I can't find words to describe your image! My mouth just opened and not even a 'wow' came out - it's far beyond 'wow'! That is truly spectacular! well done :) even though it's an object I've seen many times, visually and in member's photos, that seems to be a completely fresh look at an old favourite. Great work :eek:

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Fabulous image..just to think I looked at them two nights ago with all those beautiful stars, but thousands more just out of view...am well impressed, and that Tak must be a gem of a scope Olly.:)

Cheers all. The little FSQ is indeed a gem of a scope. That something so small can pull down such rich and precise data constantly amazes me. I take people round the observatories and end up at the imaging roll-off with the Tak 85 and say, 'And now for our most powerful telescope...' They have just seen Sir Isaac, the half metre Dob, and they look a bit blank when I unveil something the size of a large loo roll...


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