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Milkyway from the New Forest


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Hi all,

Some pics from the New Forest taken Thursday night when Rob and myself went down for our monthly dark sky trip. Not the best we've had down there, but okay. Then the moon appeared and ruined it all.

All taken with the 300D and standard lens at min zoom(28mm equiv)






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One last one for now.

Great fun as always......although the 'stolen car' being driven straight at us doing a hand brake turn at the last minute wasn't that much fun at the time. Thought my car and all our kit was going to be a write off.

This is the region of the milkyway around Deneb in Cygnus. It's a tough one for the 300D with it's poor red response. But i'm chuffed, it's managed the North American Nebula okay. Exposure time was 291secs @ 800iso.



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Very nice pictures Rob&Russ.I`m very impressed,:lol:I`ve never seen the milkyway in real life only in mags and books.Would love to see it.definitely one of the things i`m Gunner see when i`m older.

Keep up the good work. :sunny: :) :thumbleft: :thumbright::) :wav: :wav: :wav: :wav: :wav: :wav: :wav: :wave:

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Many thanks Carl. Milkyway is not easy from my garden either. Hence the trip to a dark site. It's breath taking when you see the Milkyway from a dark sky and it doesn't matter how many times you see it.

Been a having a play with the images, not sure if these are any better.




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Hi all,

Some pics from the New Forest taken Thursday night when Rob and myself went down for our monthly dark sky trip. Not the best we've had down there, but okay. Then the moon appeared and ruined it all.

All taken with the 300D and standard lens at min zoom(28mm equiv)




Hope you don't mind Russ but I've been having fun playing with one of your images; heres the result:

Steve  :)


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Steve, great result. What did you do? And do you have a larger version?


Glad you like it Russ,

It is the result of switching to 'Lab colour' in Photoshop, then using the 'Curves' tool and some local-contrast-enhancement on the lightness layer (to separate and define the Milky way).  Then, back to RGB colour for some hue/saturation adjustment (to remove some of the light pollution). 

I do not have a larger version (as it was your image I thought it unfair to do anything other than play, then re-post).  If you like, I would be pleased to work on the original image file for you - I have been planning to photograph the Milky way myself, so it would be good practise. 

Steve  :)

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Hi Steve,

I can send you the original Tiff file if you like? It's gonna be large though (36Mb) or I can send a JPG version.

Rog, thanks for the comments. They came out a lot better than I thought. Really chuffed. Now to work out if i can replicate Steve's reprocessing effort which is great.


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Hi Steve,

I can send you the original Tiff file if you like?  It's gonna be large though....


Yes please.  If I e-mail you my work address, would you mind burning the original - before processing - to a disk and sending it to me there.  As way of thanks I will send back a copy of the processed image and a print  :)

... If you have a RAW file that would be great?


Steve  :)

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WOW, Russ. What a fantastic set of images... I've always wanted to take a milky way shot like that. I did try from just ouside Poole last time I was down. But got nothing like that.

I'm amazed that there was so little noise from a (nearly) 5 minute shot as ISO800...

Well done matey.


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fan-flippin-tastic !!!!!

Just got my imaging for beginners book, so I will be avidly reading over the next few weeks.

Excellent work guys, and Steve - looks like us newbies have another PS expert to bombard with tons of questions :)


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