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Whos doing what tonight... 10-10-09


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Looks like a good start! Quite windy here in Devon, so my poor old scope is going to wobble like a err...wobbly thing...(it did last night too!) Plus I'm feeling really tired, so might have an early night :) . Saw Discovery and ISS earlier - kind of makes up for the windy weather.

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Been looking at Jupiter again, and generally getting used to the scope by training it on random stars. The red dot finder is almost bang on, hardly worth making any adjustments. I've also realised how much LP I'm suffering from, despite being "up in t'ills". Note to self, sell up and move to an isolated mountail top in Spain.

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Great start there Peter, looking forward to the finished result.

Not gonna get scopes out tonight as been busy but just been out in the garden and anything dimmer than vega and I cant see it due to high cloud, hopefully tomorow night will be better as I intend to get out for the 1st time since spring time, oh and try out the pier for the 1st time.


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Tidied up after last night generally untangling wires putting stuff away hoping for a good night


the wide contrails should have warned me as its very murky out there

time for a cuppa and try later


btw nice start to the image peter

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Just revisited my first target, Andromeda and then found a new one opposite the light bulb, (M57, my first go)

admitedly though, it looks like one of those new type ones...fading out and going dim:)

Process tomorrow, good job I'm working from home:hello2:

heh heh.

nice though when your PA is tight... 5 mins with no trails.. I like it.

Off to kip now. Night night.



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I'm in work all night, last shift before the weekend so hopefully I'll get a couple of nights in soon.

How did the comparision go John? Thats quite an interesting match up!!

It is an interesting comparison to make Gaz :)

It's early days with the 5" as yet (it's one of the F/9.4 ones) but it did make the features on Jupiter rather easier to make out than the 4" did, ED or no ED.

I reckon the 5" is going to be my planetary / lunar / double star specialist, the 12" dob for DSO's / dark sites (if I can ever get to one !) scope and the 4" ED the grab and go, jack of all trades.

The 5" long(ish) focal ratio, achro refractor market place is not a crowded one at the moment - they've kind of gone out of fashion I guess - but I just love the looks of the thing - on a tall alt-az mount it looks really retro - I'll have to have a sepia photo taken of me using it wearing a cloth cap and plus fours !


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Just got in, out at 11.30 nice and clear set up, looked at Jupiter and tried taking photos (failed) then moon (a better result, might even get around to posting them, when you see whats taken them you will see why I'm having problems!) Then started to look around generally, before I new it the cloud have moved in from the east :) Probably just as well as I'm working in 5 hours!

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I stuck it out a bit longer

that cuppa turned into a beer or two :)

then as I let one of the mutts out lo and behold it had cleared :)

too late for Jupiter so I'm trying a couple of small galaxies

from home I usually use the old 716 as a guider but it seems as though the QHY5 has taken over the pc as I can't get the 716 to connect so I've loaded PHD and it appears to be working :):D

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