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Eyepieces - the very least you need.

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I use 12" dob. recently, I bought 2 used tv eps which are naggler 22mm & 11mm. looking at jupiter with these eps amazed me so much. before, I can only see jupiter as a 2mm dot. now I see it as big as 6mm dot & the orange lines are clearly visible with those 4 moon. I guess I wont turning back... gonna sold my old eps & get the green. wew.... drown me further...

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I use 12" dob. recently, I bought 2 used tv eps which are naggler 22mm & 11mm. looking at jupiter with these eps amazed me so much. before, I can only see jupiter as a 2mm dot. now I see it as big as 6mm dot & the orange lines are clearly visible with those 4 moon. I guess I wont turning back... gonna sold my old eps & get the green. wew.... drown me further...

The Nagler 22T4 is AMAZING, isn't it. My first Nagler, and many followed.

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I use 12" dob. recently, I bought 2 used tv eps which are naggler 22mm & 11mm. looking at jupiter with these eps amazed me so much. before, I can only see jupiter as a 2mm dot. now I see it as big as 6mm dot & the orange lines are clearly visible with those 4 moon. I guess I wont turning back... gonna sold my old eps & get the green. wew.... drown me further...

I'm pretty sure you can see a larger Jupiter with a 5 or 6 mm EP. 

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May I ask why ethos? Im in the same postion, and would like to know mote about EPs

because I'm not using motorised scope to track the target, so for more power eps I may enjoy the view longer if I choose ethos. unless if my scope is automatic tracking then I would just choose delos/naggler.
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May I ask why ethos? Im in the same postion, and would like to know mote about EPs

Planetgazer. The Ethos have a field of view of 100 degree, that will give you a huge apparent field of view. The delos on the other hand have a fov of 72. For that they are only half the price of the Ethos but at £250 they are still a veryvbig spend. Not for a beginner to be honest.
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 Not for a beginner to be honest.

Hmmmm, why not? Telescope aside, we're in danger of straying into contradiction land here! There are plenty of TV threads saying, "If you want the best, buy TV!" and "If I'd known at the beginning what I know now, I'd have bought TV from the start!". If he's got the money, why shouldn't he buy TV and have the best to begin with? He can always upgrade the 'scope after!  :grin:


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because I'm not using motorised scope to track the target, so for more power eps I may enjoy the view longer if I choose ethos. unless if my scope is automatic tracking then I would just choose delos/naggler.

I use Ethos eyepieces for just this reason. The 6mm is an excellent high power eyepiece. They are very expensive though and the Explore Scientific 100 degree eyepieces are so very close in performance for considerably less outlay if you get hooked on 100 degree eyepieces. ES have recently released a 5.5mm in this series which is getting good feedback on another forum.

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Thanks for the replies all. I'm just not familiar with design names for the EPs and their specs. Would like to know the order from top to bottom, based on performance and FOV, like where does the plossil come in place?

Hmmmm, why not? Telescope aside, we're in danger of straying into contradiction land here! There are plenty of TV threads saying, "If you want the best, buy TV!" and "If I'd known at the beginning what I know now, I'd have bought TV from the start!". If he's got the money, why shouldn't he buy TV and have the best to begin with? He can always upgrade the 'scope after!  :grin:


I do get your point, why not have the shortcut and save the money. But you'll never be confident enough to make that jump, you'll have to take it step by step , that's our nature X(

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I don't have a problem with following the upgrade path, it was just sounding a bit Elitist. Yes, I suppose their price puts them into that category anyway, but I'm not making that point. There's no reason why a beginner shouldn't chose the best if they can afford them.


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I think the great joy of very expensive EPs is that if you look after them they have a high secondhand value.   So to some degree spending big (within reason and if you can cashflow ot) on EPs for a beginner is low risk.

I went from stock eyepieces to a Tele Vue 32mm for £107 (bigger step up than I at first intended.  After all my scope cost £31!!).  It was at an early stage and on advise here.  I could have gone for two BSTs for the same dosh.  However the TV proved the best move ever.  That eyepiece spends more time near my eyeball than all the rest put together.  And the quality stands out even to me.

Should I have gone even further up the scale?  From what I've seen and read the difference between stock and £100 is massive.  The difference between £100 EPs and £350 EPs is much less.  However I saw an Ethos at £320 and was tempted.  Wish I had done it now  :smiley:

Sorry wittering.  My vote is even as a beginner spend as much as you can on EPs upto £200 and buy one or two at that level rather than 4 at the lower level.  But don't forget also to invest in a quality Barlow once two goodies are in the bag.   I found good EP, bad Barlow not a good combo  :embarassed:

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I think the great joy of very expensive EPs is that if you look after them they have a high secondhand value.   So to some degree spending big (within reason and if you can cashflow ot) on EPs for a beginner is low risk.

Sorry wittering.  My vote is even as a beginner spend as much as you can on EPs upto £200 and buy one or two at that level rather than 4 at the lower level.  But don't forget also to invest in a quality Barlow once two goodies are in the bag.   I found good EP, bad Barlow not a good combo  :embarassed:

I'm not sure that expensive EPs have higher secondhand value, by buging new and sell used, you'll lose about 30% to 40% for EPs like BST up to TV or Pentax. In actually amont, you loose more money by buying new expensive EPs. The best way to save money is to buy used high quality EPs.

Sure the expensive EPs have high quality, but most money is paid to get wider field of view(FOV), better edge performance in the wider FOV in fast scopes and viewing comfort (eye relief e.g.). If you can live with narrower FOV and short eye relief, optically the baader classic ortho for £50 outperformce many EP cost many times more.

Just my two cents.

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I'm not sure that expensive EPs have higher secondhand value, by buging new and sell used, you'll lose about 30% to 40% for EPs like BST up to TV or Pentax. In actually amont, you loose more money by buying new expensive EPs. The best way to save money is to buy used high quality EPs.

Sure the expensive EPs have high quality, but most money is paid to get wider field of view(FOV), better edge performance in the wider FOV in fast scopes and viewing comfort (eye relief e.g.). If you can live with narrower FOV and short eye relief, optically the baader classic ortho for £50 outperformce many EP cost many times more.

Just my two cents.

I don't think I mind the FOV yet, but I do care about eye relief, not sure what EP will fit this category. Thinking of the 5mm Celestron X-Cel LX, any other ideas?

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I don't think I mind the FOV yet, but I do care about eye relief, not sure what EP will fit this category. Thinking of the 5mm Celestron X-Cel LX, any other ideas?

HR planetary, BST ED, and X-Cel are usually named of about the same performance with good eye relief, I wear glasses, and have no difficulty in getting the whole FOV in either HR or BST.

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I have had ep, s from stock to the top echelon. I love my ep's now. However as Nigele2 has stated, diffdrence between stock and mid range is huge, between mid and top end is minimal.

For what its worth, I think the very best eps on a £4viewing experience is the celestron x-cel range. £60 bjys you fab bit of kit for people on a budget.

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I have a 200p skyliner dob so 200mm. It's an f6 so says to use 1.5x the focal ratio and a 2 barlow to get the same results as the normal calculation on a slower scope.

Focal length - 1200

Aperture- 200

Focal ratio - 6

So 1.5x the focal ratio is actually 9 sorry. So a 9 mm ep with a X2 barlow is my maximum I could use. However this gives me a 266.66x magnification.it then says a dob should be 200x the max so would a 6 mm be better

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I see where you are ciming from. A 6mm woukd give you 200x so yes, that would be a good sized ep to have.

I have 2 eps that take me above 200x, as it is poss7ble on very vgood seeing occasions to go higher. However its just a shame they dont come around that often.

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I have the same dobsonian and a 6mm Williams Optics SPL EP. I'd say that I can make good use of it about 30% of the clear nights, the rest of the time the atmosphere just isn't up to it and I'm forced to go down to 9mm for a sharp image. So for me a smaller EP would just get used even less.

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