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Hello from New Orleans!


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I'm thrilled to join this vibrant community of astronomy enthusiasts. While I'm relatively new to the field of astronomy, my professional journey in RF Communications, Satellite Computing, and Optical Communications has cultivated a deep-rooted fascination for the cosmos and all its mysteries.

Over the years, my work has revolved around harnessing the power of radio frequencies, delving into the intricacies of satellite technology, and exploring the boundless potential of optical communications. This journey has given me a unique perspective on how we connect and communicate, not just here on Earth, but also across the vast expanse of space.

But now, I'm turning my gaze upwards, eager to learn and explore the night sky. Astronomy has always captivated me - the stars, planets, galaxies, and the endless possibilities they represent. Joining Stargazer's Lounge is a step toward deepening my understanding and appreciation of this fascinating field.

As a newcomer, I'm excited to learn from all of you, share experiences, and perhaps bring a slightly different viewpoint from my background in communications technology. I look forward to engaging discussions, starry observations, and the shared joy of unraveling the universe's wonders together.

Clear skies and happy stargazing!

Christopher J. Wolff


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Oh, while I have lasers and other gadgets galore, I do not own a telescope yet.  Hoping to pick up a stereo pair of 11" or 14" EdgeHD soon.

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Wow, a big welcome to SGL! we're her to help and answer whatever question you may have. That optical contraption in the image, I have no idea what it is but I know I need one, though something tells me I can't afford it.

Edited by Sunshine
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10 hours ago, Sunshine said:

Wow, a big welcome to SGL! we're her to help and answer whatever question you may have. That optical contraption in the image, I have no idea what it is but I know I need one, though something tells me I can't afford it.

hahah yes I'd love one too.  It's a 60kw laser that will give you a heck of a sunburn.  Thank you for the kind welcome!  I'd love to find some folks here that are interested in optical communications. 


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