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Celestron firmware update

James B

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I've been updating the firmware on my Starsense, Hand Controller and AVX.
The CFM program recognises the equipment and proceeds to download the  7 updates. During the download 4/7 my Laptop reboots and leaves the equipment   unusable. Any advice would be gratefully received. Thanks.

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29 minutes ago, James B said:

I've been updating the firmware on my Starsense, Hand Controller and AVX.
The CFM program recognises the equipment and proceeds to download the  7 updates. During the download 4/7 my Laptop reboots and leaves the equipment   unusable. Any advice would be gratefully received. Thanks.

I've not had any issues doing upgrades with CFM (similar set up - starsense, AVX) although I don't think I've checked for any updates since last year. 

I can only suggest trying to update one device at a time - if nothing else, it may help narrow down which one is causing the issue. Have you got the Starsense camera connected up correctly for the update - it requires a separate connection to the computer and mount - there's a diagram showing the connection set up in the CFM zip file.

I'm not aware of any updates to the starsense camera for a number of years, so you could just take that out of the equation completely.

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Yes, attempt one update at a time. The laptop really should not reboot. No excuses, Microsoft.

Also note that you do not have to apply the updates, just because they are available.  The camera rarely needs updating AFAIK.  As for the AVX, it probably does not need an update, so you could leave it alone. The exception is the Starsense, where various updates are highly advisable.  However you should read the small print first, to check what the updates actually do.  Things can go wrong, but not often, and you don't want to 'brick' your equipment applying an update you didn't need.

Also note that you can update a Seestar S50 with a couple of pokes of the finger, rather than the Celestron nonsense with cables, apps, software libraries etc.  Some manufacturers need to get up to date.

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Thank you for the replies. I'll try individual updates. 

The reason for the updates was to see if they cure the problem of the AVX only remembering the date/time when it was last shut down and not opening with the current time. In addition my Sky sync shows a totally wrong date/time but that's another story........

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11 hours ago, James B said:

Thank you for the replies. I'll try individual updates. 

The reason for the updates was to see if they cure the problem of the AVX only remembering the date/time when it was last shut down and not opening with the current time. In addition my Sky sync shows a totally wrong date/time but that's another story........

That's just the way it works - you can turn on the RTC option which will use the internal clock instead, but it can drift by  a few seconds. I control my AVX via laptop or tablet (depending on what I am doing) and the mount will take the date/time  from that instead - effectively providing the same function as the sky sync. I use the Skyportal wi-fi module, but you can try controling using a laptop and a cable via the handset.

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Thank you for your helpful replies. I tried a couple more times, again the PC crashed while loading packages, it did get a bit further, crashing while loading the fifth package.

Thank you for your helpful replies. I tried a couple more times, again the PC crashed while loading packages, it did get a bit further, crashing while loading the fifth package.


I unplugged the Starsense camera and repeated the procedure and both the HC and AVX updated ok.


I may well see if I can update the SS camera separately but, from what I read, there is little point.


Turning to the problem of the time/date, of course I can enter the time manually for each observing  session but when you have paid for a device that should do it automatically, you expect it to work. I better make this the subject of a separate post.


Thanks again, Jim

PS @Shimrod How can I get AVX to take time from Laptop, which I always use as you mention below?

3 hours ago, Shimrod said:

That's just the way it works - you can turn on the RTC option which will use the internal clock instead, but it can drift by  a few seconds. I control my AVX via laptop or tablet (depending on what I am doing) and the mount will take the date/time  from that instead - effectively providing the same function as the sky sync. I use the Skyportal wi-fi module, but you can try controling using a laptop and a cable via the handset.

I unplugged theh Starsense camera and repeated the procedure and both the HC and AVX updated ok.


I may well see if I can update the SS camera separately but, from what I read, there is little point.


Turning to the problem of the time/date, of course I can enter the time manually for each observing  session but when you have paid for a device that should do it automatically, you expect it to work. I better make this the subject of a separate post.


Thanks again, Jim

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@James B

I use CPWI to control the telescope - this effectively replaces the handset so date and time are taken from the laptop. I don't use a handset at all with the AVX (I connect via the Sky Portal wi-fi). However it works the same way if you connect via handset. You can also use CPWI as the telescope connection/control protocol - so if you have a preferred astronomy package (such as starry night or stellarium) you can use that via the CPWI control in the same way.

I don't own a Sky Sync, but I have read it can be sensitive to which aux port it goes in when used with the Starsense camera. I've had a quick look through but can't find the relevant posts - it may be worth searching on here for starsense and GPS 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been thinking that it's about time that I updated the firmware for my CG5 AS GT - it hasn't been updated for about 7 years but all seems to work well. After reading your post I'm wondering if it's worth the risk...


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