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After overworking my brain on some optical testing stuff it was sure great to get back observing.NELM was between 6.6 and 6.8 using averted flick vision on HIP 74818 @ 6.6 and 17Umi @ 6.8 , the latter flicked in just once so conditions vg but not the best here. The 15"/20mm APM/Nikon 14HW were used.

Galaxies- how many does one list in a report? A guy could fill the page with them so I'll just mention a few. A real win tonight was cruising around M101 looking at galaxies and found a nice 12.2 mag -NGC 5485 but the prize was averted  bringing in a mag 13.8- NGC 5488. Pretty happy with this one.

Back over to my test nest in Uma and got 4 out of 5 NGC 3972/3982/3977/3998 but no 3990 at 13.6. Should have had it but I didnt spend much time on it. This area is a great place to hunt.

Over below the Owl a bit lies 2 easy mag 12ish galaxies, NGC 3756 and 3738 and the view was nice after viewing M108.

A big prize again was to revist the Jellyfish @PeterW might remember my flailing away on it -in the wrong spot- years ago :biggrin: Seems so easy now to see the streak- not unlike the Little Veil, but chunkier and easier.

Finishing up brought the HH to revist and the Stonehenge looking Flame neb, huge in the 15" and over to the Flaming Star - a beautiful goto object, dazzling.

Piles more seen in my point and shoot approach to galaxy hunting but I didnt figure out all of them for designations, doesnt matter anyway- I just had fun out there!! Which is the main thing to me.


Edited by jetstream
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I tried the Skycommander last night - which did not work well, so I shut it off. About the only thing that can really affect its accuracy is an unstable base for the telescope. It doesnt matter if the scope is level with the SC... I love this DSC. Because of the ice on the concrete pad that I didnt chip off again the scope had a tiny bit of movement when panning, throwing the SC off.

No big deal- I just went from memory in the favourite hunting grounds.




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Excellent report Gerry with nice targets and that's a serious commitment out in the snow! Lovely Dob too! By the way, I have tried the Jellyfish with my 8" and I have managed to make out the nebula from the dark sky with an OIII but without much structure. Did the 15" reveal more (it would be great if could you describe it please).


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59 minutes ago, Kon said:

Excellent report Gerry with nice targets and that's a serious commitment out in the snow! Lovely Dob too! By the way, I have tried the Jellyfish with my 8" and I have managed to make out the nebula from the dark sky with an OIII but without much structure. Did the 15" reveal more (it would be great if could you describe it please).


I have seen it with my 10" too and its as you say. The 15" adds a bit of filament, not much and not fine. It reminds me of a stubbier, larger Little Veil nebula- have you seen this one, SH2-94? If you try finding it dont let the little chain of stars fool you...

There were more very faint patches of nebulosity seen , more of the JF visible I believe.

The Little Veil is an excellent test of sky, scope and observer IMHO.

Edited by jetstream
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6 minutes ago, jetstream said:

I have seen it with my 10" too and its as you say. The 15" adds a bit of filament, not much and not fine. It reminds me of a stubbier, larger Little Veil nebula- have you seen this one, SH2-94? If you try finding it dont let the little chain of stars fool you...

There were more very faint patches of nebulosity seen , more of the JF visible I believe.

The Little Veil is an excellent test of sky, scope and observer IMHO.

Thanks. I though the 15" would reveal more, but I suppose it is a huge and diffuse nebula.

No I have not tried SH2-94. I will give it a try in the summer when Cygnus is placed overhead. Would you recommend an OIII?

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3 minutes ago, Kon said:

Thanks. I though the 15" would reveal more, but I suppose it is a huge and diffuse nebula.

It is huge but the easiest most visible portion is a "streak" and not a huge nebulous glow. The area has patches of nebulosity floating around to see however.

For the Little Veil a tight, top notch OIII like you have is the only thing to use. My 24" will show it  faintly with a UHC and detectable with no filter, only because I have observed it so many times IMHO.

Does the Monkeyhead show well for you? I love that one.

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I can see Monkey head quite well; I can distinguish from the dark sky and some darker lanes inside. Again it is big. I just got myself a ES 34mm 68degrees that should hopefully help with these larger diffuse nebulas (I will need to upgrade my filter to a 2"). 

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Great to hear you found the jelly, for extra challenge there is more nebulosity “behind it”.. find a deep image, looks like a clawed hand. 
I’d give Lowers Nebula a look if you’re “in the area”.

My toes felt cold just looking at that image… 


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4 hours ago, PeterW said:

Great to hear you found the jelly, for extra challenge there is more nebulosity “behind it”.. find a deep image, looks like a clawed hand. 
I’d give Lowers Nebula a look if you’re “in the area”.

My toes felt cold just looking at that image… 


Thanks Peter!

I did see faint patches around the area - quite a bit actually but I have no idea what it is- part of the JF? not sure. Its all over the place. It reminds me somewhat of the IC1318 area- you can go on forever finding nebulosity here, bizzare actually. Not quite as much around JF, but lots.

Will check out Lowers- thanks for the heads up!

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46 minutes ago, Whistlin Bob said:

That's a beautiful scope.

Thank you, these structures have a pile of features behind the scenes too ie the filter slide- that also acts as a focuser baffle, all flat black secondary holder that surrounds the sec, unusual "solid" bottom with vents that reduces primary dewing and also allows very little stray light in or to bounce around, a combination of teflon + 1 roller bearing in AZ and superb balance.

This scope can track the planets at very high mag with no "springback" or sticktion , and more. Very very happy with this scope!

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