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so, Artemis test flight AKA Should Launch Someday, 16-Nov-2022


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Looking like a scrub for today then with the dodgy quick release seal. Hopefully they can get the issue sorted and launch later in the week, could be looking a long delay I think. 

Edit.... Maybe it will maybe it won't. Using reverse psychology 😉


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4 minutes ago, Mike Q said:

Just launch the thing.  If it goes boom.... write it off as a bad idea and start over 

Don't bother trying to launch the damn thing.

It *is* a bad idea.

Start over. Or give the job to SpaceX

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I'm just glad I'm not in the astronaut program watching this all unravel before my eyes.

Would I be happy about potentially riding in it ... not on your Nellie ... 🤔

Makes the achievements of 53 years ago look even more immense than they already were.

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hmmm  I wonder if it needs an air worthiness certification if it passes over anyone else's controlled air space? 

Kinda thinking too, are these a totally new coupling for the LOX and LH2 supply or another re-use from the parts bin of the old shuttle gear? If so did they fit new seals, after all they'd likely have perished a bit by now if they were the old stock ones.

Maybe the US FAA need to step in and ground it since it will be flying in their controlled space 😉 

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My main fear is that corners may be cut and things fudged in order to get it off the ground .

The budgetary pressures must be building exponentially  , not mention the feeling of having Elon's eyes burning holes in the back of their heads right now.

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I am fully prepared to see this whole program get scrubbed. It's over budget and making ultra slow to no progress. 

I thought NASA signed up Space X to use Starship to get to the moon in the future, wouldn't this make SLS redunant anyway? 

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reading the report on the bbc I noted this also

Nasa: Artemis Moon rocket second launch attempt called off - BBC News


It's possible Nasa could try again in the next few days. But there are battery systems on this rocket that will soon need inspection. And if the vehicle has to be rolled back to the engineering building for further work, it could be mid-October before we see it again on the launch pad.

So it hasn't launched but already systems will need inspection? 

I guess the stresses on the fuel systems tanks etc may need checking over so they don't burst on attempt-3?

15 minutes ago, Steve Ward said:

My main fear is that corners may be cut and things fudged in order to get it off the ground .

The budgetary pressures must be building exponentially  , not mention the feeling of having Elon's eyes burning holes in the back of their heads right now.

I think they were already planning on that, given a faulty temp sensor on engine 3 so they were likely to ignore that to progress to lighting the fuse. After all they'd already skimped on not having any redundancy in the sensors to work around any failures, at least on non-flight critical areas (so they say). 737MAX all over again...

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sounds like the LH2 quick disconnect that had the big leak this time under fast fill is the same that had the more minor leak last time. Sounds to me like first time the seal may have got displaced or damaged slightly and on the second try it had a bigger failure. Oh dear. So they talking about replacing the "soft goods" either at the pad so they can do a cryo test or they roll back and do it away from the pad, but then can't do a test at full cryo temps until its back on the pad again. So early next week before we really get a decision on what they're doing.

Sounds like we're back to being "Should Launch Someday" as they're running rapidly out of launch window.

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  • DaveL59 changed the title to so, Artemis test flight AKA Should Launch Someday, date pending
8 minutes ago, Robindonne said:

Best thing is to detank it and use it for another rocket

the LOX & LH2? That's in progress or done apparently and then they flush with helium to make the empty tanks safe 🙂 

Almost sounds like a roll back is the most likely as they're almost out of permitted time tho they are possibly going to try negotiate an extension so it can stay out on the pad. Perhaps they should just fit a huge spinnaker to it and pray for a hurricane... 😄 

Oh, apparently the public is super excited about return to the moon and a maybe jump to mars and the cost of 2 scrubs is a lot less than loss of the rocket. Second point sure, first, hmmm some are, others don't seem to know its even happening.

Edited by DaveL59
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