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Hi all. 
i have had my scope and camera for around 3 years now. If not 4. But I’ve always struggled since day 1 to get polarisation. I get it all good through the eq5 pro mount but once I get into sharpcap pro I can’t seem to get enough stars to continue on with the polar alignment. I’ve tried all different focal lengths etc. all I get is hot pixels. 
has anyone got this camera that could point me in right direction for settings to use ? 
my scope is a Altair Starwave 102 / ED astronomical refractor telescope. 715 mm focal length  Many’s thanks 



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1 hour ago, CraigT82 said:

Are you using the 224c with the 102mm frac for the sharpcap PA routine or using a guide scope? You need a short focal length to get enough stars in the field for sharpcap to work with

Yeah I’m using the 224c as prime camera as it’s the only Astro cam I have until I can afford to get another then it will be used as a guid 

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That’s your issue then. Using the 224mc in the 102mm frac gives you a FoV of only 0.4x0.3 degrees.

Sharpcap PA routine needs larger FoV to see enough stars to work with, about 2 degrees is ideal but I’ve gotten away with about 1.5 degrees using a 9x50 finder scope with the camera in that. 

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25 minutes ago, CraigT82 said:

That’s your issue then. Using the 224mc in the 102mm frac gives you a FoV of only 0.4x0.3 degrees.

Sharpcap PA routine needs larger FoV to see enough stars to work with, about 2 degrees is ideal but I’ve gotten away with about 1.5 degrees using a 9x50 finder scope with the camera in that. 

Wow, that’s why it’s only picking up 2/4 stars and a million hot pix. How frustrating!

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Hi Mikey

If you're not guiding you can Drift Align the PA using the camera on the OTA..

Pointing south near Dec=0 for the Az alignment of the mount. and then east or west for the Alt alignment.

Or adapt the finderscope to take the camera and use SharpCap.

But that will entail swapping back and forth of course.


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6 hours ago, michael8554 said:

Hi Mikey

If you're not guiding you can Drift Align the PA using the camera on the OTA..

Pointing south near Dec=0 for the Az alignment of the mount. and then east or west for the Alt alignment.

Or adapt the finderscope to take the camera and use SharpCap.

But that will entail swapping back and forth of course.


That’s a very good shout actually Michael. Never thought about that! I do have a guide scope. But not set up yet. I’ve never done it before so kind of avoiding it (stupidity) 

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