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Sell the scope(s), go back to binos?

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I'm curious if anyone has switched from scope observing to strictly bino observing.  I doubt I'd sell my scopes, but lately I've been quite content to just pull out my 15x70s on a light tripod and scan around the early morning sky.  Seemingly much faster and easier than even my lightest grab-n-go rig.  I can't see that deep because I'm in heavy light pollution, but still...



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Two eyes does have advanatages in seeing faint stars and having nice views, also enable you to get wider (richfield) views. Certainly much easier to setup for a quick session or to take along to club sessions.


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I see your temptation, but suggest you resist.

My binoculars have more use than any astronomy purchase by a long way, but
Sell the scope/s, never it is a different experience and worth the work when desired,
Have both, use both in my opinion.


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I bought (and still own) a pair of 30x125 Vixen binoculars thinking that I would probably sell the scopes afterwards.  That didn't happen of course.  The different capabilities and styles of observing mean that I can't see myself moving to either one or the other.


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I'm not tempted to sell my visual scopes, but with the weather recently, I've been tempted to get rid of my long exposure/DSO imaging equipment and re-invest in some really nice binoculars!  I've only recently started using my Pentax SP 10x50s after sticking them on a photographic tripod.  I'm enjoying them quite a lot (except for my astigmatism), and am just about to build a parallelogram for them (to save my neck). I've also recently started binoviewing for lunar and solar particularly.  I've just found myself being converted very quickly in to binocular viewing!

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HI I agree with Alan, you must keep both, I really enjoy a night of star hopping with my 15x70 Celestron pro binoculars .

The double cluster in Perseus,the Pleiades the Hyades the Coathanger are all fantastic in binoculars as you can get the whole field in view.

the telescopes give you other delights such as the planets and the moon and deep sky objects .

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18 hours ago, PeterW said:

Rule of telescopes number 15 - as soon as you sell a scope you’ll regret doing it!

I’ve sold several bits of kit that I have later regretted…. Beware!


😁  Yes.  That's what has kept me from selling my Orion ST120 achro - somehow I know I'd regret it later, even though I use it at most once a month.


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4 minutes ago, jjohnson3803 said:

even though I use it at most once a month.


That's more than a lot of scopes out there, I'm sure!  In fact, that's probably about the average number of opportunities we've had this year!

I'll probably sell my Pentax SP 10x50s once I've figured out what I'm doing about my astigmatism.  They've only got 13mm eye relief, and so glasses aren't going to work with them.  I guess the only way I will keep them is if I start using contact lenses.

I can't bring myself to sell any of my other scopes though!

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1 hour ago, jjohnson3803 said:

😁  Yes.  That's what has kept me from selling my Orion ST120 achro - somehow I know I'd regret it later, even though I use it at most once a month.


I had the f5 120mm skywatcher that I’d upgraded the focusser on…. Regret selling it many times!


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I feel I need both, they fulfil different needs.

I use my Vixen 8.5x32 roofs for birdwatching in the garden and on walks but also for quick night sky views, especially on holidays.

I use my Orion 9x63 Mini Giant bins for nice 5 degree views of clusters, moon etc, usually mounted on a tripod. Great for very short 5-15 minute peeks and occasionally for longer views. 

But if sky conditions are anything like good, I want a scope to be out. That's when I really start to "observe", rather than "have a quick look"..

That said, I do appreciate that many enthusiasts really do concentrate on Binocular astronomy almost exclusively, and often reading their reports spurs me on to look harder and deeper..I probably need one more binocular of around 15x70 or 15x80 to cover all the bases properly..🤔☺️.


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I use my binoculars a lot more than my scopes! 


In fact the only times I really use my scopes are for planetary and lunar. 


That said I don't see myself selling them, but I did sell off many  several years ago.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My TS 82mm bins got their first outing last night, I really enjoyed the short period of time they got used but there is no way on earth I would sell my scopes.

As mentioned above I see bins as a different experience than my big dob or refractors. They all have a place to work together.

Edited by bomberbaz
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  • 3 weeks later...

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