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Worst seeing I have ever had tonight?


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I wasn't out until midnight. I was just doing low power for a relaxed, lazy session on the usual suspects, using my 10 inch dob. I normally use the 21mm Ethos for that though used the 17.3mm Delos for a change. There was some thin cloud around in places but I was able to avoid those patches. When I was done in one area, another one looked clear. Highlight for me was probably M42 and the Double Cluster. With M42 it felt like it had some nice depth to it, and the stars in the Double Cluster really zinged out. I was getting a bit cold and decided I'd call it a day after taking in two more targets. And as I finished up, cloud started rolling in, from the South West I think. It was a lovely night. I hope some of you caught some better seeing later on.

Edited by Luke
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Seeing Surrey was good (say 4/5). First time I managed to get out, due to weather/work. 
Also first time I managed to use an OIII filter since it turned up last summer on the Orion Nebula, amazing to see the nebulosity… Great contrast using an APM 30 mm UFF, however I’m sure it would look better in a 20 mm APM XWA I order a year ago….

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1 hour ago, Stardaze said:

I only had the bins out early on and it seemed ok here in the midlands. Works night the night before put paid to any late night, but the clouds had rolled in by 10 anyway. Shame though as forecast poor all week again. 

I wish I'd tried my bins too last night..

I think that last night really brought home to me the difference between transparency and seeing quality in a way I've not seen before..

In the finders on my two scopes I had out, the views were crisp and clear. But these were both of course very low magnification, at 9x50 and 6x30, both RACI.

The lowest scope power I used in the Tak 5" and Vixen 4" was approximately 40x, and that was just too much for my local conditions.. I can usually go to at least double that and see half decent views.

I think there was just too much going on in the atmosphere, lots of gusty wind, fast falling temperature and moisture combining to make an exceptionally unstable local situation.

In future, if I see something as extreme as this again, I'll either stick to my binoculars for the night or stay in with a good astro book..but it was good to hear that at least some of you got some better sessions😊👍


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Yes same here in Dorset. I knew the jet stream forecast wasn't great so wasn't expecting too much.

Looking out of the window it looked nice and clear. But when I went outside in the garden with my bright head torch on to check things out at around 7pm, I noticed a lot of very fine particles floating around in the light beam in a way I have not noticed before. Presumably these were fine moisture droplets. Without the torch though, it looked nice and clear, and I wouldn't have thought the fine droplets would have been there to the extent they were (as the ground seemed so dry).

Anyway, I guessed this would probably affect the transparency quite badly, so decided not to take the scopes out. I also didn't want the scope objective exposed to these particles floating around. In the end, I just settled on sitting outside with the binoculars for half an hour.

Will use my head torch to check the air in the same way in the future I think.

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Two nights out this week with customers is far more than I’m good with, so nodding off before 10 was sadly in order. I opened the front door on the way up, to see Orion partly clouded over, though M42 was prominent. It crossed my mind briefly, but really needed to sleep 😔

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