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Warning Covid -19 at 2021 Autumn Scottish Star Party Warning


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It is my unfortunate task to inform all attendees at the recent Autumn 2021 Scotish Star party that 3 persons so far have been found to have contracted Covid -19.


Please self isolate and test as soon as possible.


 The personnal details of all who attended will be passed on to Track and Trace Scotland as is required by Law.


So I would expect a call or ping from the Application within a day or two.

How ever you are contacted please treat it seriously.


If for some reason you are not contacted, please please use common sense  test and retest for the 10 days after you left the camp.


I tested on Sunday and again this morning (Tuesday) and am so far clear but I am isolating and retesting even so.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.


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