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Risingcam IMX571 not a gamble?


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Hi there

The risingcam 571 looks really tempting.

Currently showing as £967.04 on the AliExpress store. I'm trying to work out if this is the final price or will there be VAT added on once it arrives at UK customs? 

What has been the final price paid by UK buyers over the last couple of months please?

thanks in advance


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8 hours ago, AndrewRrrrrr said:

Hi there

The risingcam 571 looks really tempting.

Currently showing as £967.04 on the AliExpress store. I'm trying to work out if this is the final price or will there be VAT added on once it arrives at UK customs? 

What has been the final price paid by UK buyers over the last couple of months please?

thanks in advance


If you are really brave there is an even cheaper IMX571 camera on AliExpress:


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9 hours ago, AndrewRrrrrr said:

Hi there

The risingcam 571 looks really tempting.

Currently showing as £967.04 on the AliExpress store. I'm trying to work out if this is the final price or will there be VAT added on once it arrives at UK customs? 

What has been the final price paid by UK buyers over the last couple of months please?

thanks in advance


Yes there will be VAT and import duties, but that will depend on what value is put on the package, when I asked them about buying one, they told me it would show $300 on the package….so possibly a very good buy, also if it’s of any interest, the QHY version is on offer at MA for £1650 

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4 hours ago, Stuart1971 said:

No it’s not cheaper, you have to click on the 26 megapixel version and then the price is the same…..👍🏼


I see, wonder if it is a trick that the heading remains the same for all "versions" "26MP SONY imx571". In any case it is then probably identical to the Rising Cam and made by Touptek.

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19 minutes ago, tomato said:

Sorry, I must be missing something, but how can you have IMX571 sensors with different pixel counts?

Your not missing anything, the link is for the 20MP IMX183 version of the camera but is on the same page as the IMX571. ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...
3 minutes ago, monkeypig said:

These were in HGC mode, gain 100, offset I believe was 756 or there abouts. I will have to look up how many frames I took on each but the were all 90s exposures at -5° ,and no longer than 2h on each, maybe more like 1.5h

Stunning images, the clarity is excellent. 


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3 hours ago, tomato said:

Very impressive, are these taken with a mono version and filters or the OSC with or without filters?

The OSC version. This is my first astrocam, moving from a 600d so could not afford all the extras involved in mono. This camera seemed a natural progression.

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I've just finished my first broadband image on this camera now and shared it also with Eddie. so far still happy, did learn a few things on the way


by far the most difficult part has been figuring out the settings to use, that's something you can say is an advantage of  ZWO/QHY because they have default settings there and you can also see information on many others posts. so here i will share what settings i've used as there are not many other communities for this camera to share it to.


esprit100/imx571 mono. antlia 3nm ha filter and optolong rgb filters.

180s subs for HA, total 6hrs. 60s Subs for each of RGB total 6hrs.  Final image HARGB

Camera at -5c, offset 300 and gain 100 in High Gain mode. 

eq6 mount and bortle 5 backyard. 


Initially when going to broadband I found that my usual 3 min exposures were far too blown out on certain targets. I can do 2 min exposures on other targets but for the horsehead it was not an option. The next option would have been to image in Low gain mode so that I can run 3 min subs (mainly so i don't have to have so many large files around so less subs is handy), but there is no way to switch in Nina sequence between high gain for narrowband and low gain for broadband it would have to be manual. and 100 gain for these cameras is the minimum setting , so instead I decided to just use 60s subs for this target and remain in high gain mode. the next challenge was then taking flats, my flat panel was a bit too bright for the blue filter but eventually remedied this by diffusing it more. 


About the dew issues i previously had, they have not come back and i will probably move back to -10c in autumn when i build new darks library and leave it there, we are in summer here in NZ and our nights are approx 20c. for -5c the cooler is working at 40% power so seems it should handle that ok. looking back on it, the dew issues i had were probably because i was very new to dedicated astro cameras and didnt know that you need to let it cool slowly. i now let it go from ambient to -5c over the course of 10mins as a good practice. 


i saw someone asked about taking darks and maybe issues taking those? i have no issues on that with the esprit. i wait until its somewhat dark on a cloudynight for my darks library. did it inside and covered my gear up. i have the moonlite focuser which has a very definite gap light can leak in to from tv/computer screens. i also noticed the zwo filter wheel i was using has so many little holes, i patched all of those with electrical tape. covered up the gear with bunch of tea towels, being careful not to cover the camera vents itself. may be just easier if you remove the camera and put the rubber cap on for darks but this works and no issue with reflections within esprit if you patch all the light leaks.


Uncropped full res version here

Cropped version:



Edited by AmritNZ
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Just a postscript on the camera, I have noticed some moisture forming on the sensor window on recent sessions on cold, dewy nights, but the installation of a ZWO sensor heater has fixed this. This has never been an issue on the QHY 268 running under the same conditions, so you do get something for the extra spend.☺️

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15 hours ago, tomato said:

Just a postscript on the camera, I have noticed some moisture forming on the sensor window on recent sessions on cold, dewy nights, but the installation of a ZWO sensor heater has fixed this. This has never been an issue on the QHY 268 running under the same conditions, so you do get something for the extra spend.☺️

ah so it seems we can confirm it is a inefficient built in dew heater. was wondering if its my zwo heater strap thats been helping me or if i was previously cooling it down too quickly. not the most difficult fault in the world to work around, but an issue none the less

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Interestingly if you put the same cooling profile into NINA for both cameras, the application of the cooler power is quite different, this is presumably down to the respective native drivers or the specs of the coolers?
Its no big deal as both cameras get to the set point in the required time and they both use about the same amount of cooler capacity to maintain the temperature once reached.

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On 13/01/2022 at 11:01, tomato said:

Just a postscript on the camera, I have noticed some moisture forming on the sensor window on recent sessions on cold, dewy nights, but the installation of a ZWO sensor heater has fixed this. This has never been an issue on the QHY 268 running under the same conditions, so you do get something for the extra spend.☺️

Is this easy to spot when it happens, or is it a subtle change in sharpness? I have issues with the latter but always assumed it was just guiding or something else.

I too image in the "danger zone" of dew most of the time, so 90%+ humidity.

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I happened to be imaging against a brighter background and noticed a square shaped shadow near the centre of the FOV. I removed the camera and inspected the sensor window and there was a tiny patch of condensation present, a quick blow with a hair dryer removed it straight away. Since then, the 4 watts of heating being applied from the ZWO tape is enough to keep it it at bay.  A dry but cold location would be nice, but not likely to occur for me either.

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