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What did you see tonight?


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Just been out again. Things are a little steadier. Had a reasonable view of Gassendi at x185.

Switched to Jupiter. Can see the four main belts, some detail and the GRS. There's a lot of annoying cloud drifting across though so I'm going to give it a while to see if it settles.

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It's turned to 98% cloud cover here now. I'm getting the odd glimpse of Jupiter and then longish periods of thicker cloud. Not really worth the bother. Tomorrow evening looks more promising though and the coming week, as the colder weather arrives. 

I've had a few short sessions with the 200P "Classic" dob now and I've enjoyed each one despite their brief nature. No wonder these scopes are so popular 🙂

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A brief look just now at both Moon and Jupiter. Seeing had steadied a bit so better views though nothing amazing.

Main thing was I tried out my new to me Vixen GP2 mount and it works beautifully. Very smooth and nice to have simple RA tracking back.


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Loving the reports folks.  I've not been able to get out for ages as been doing a lot of overtime and loads of work around the house and the reports are an excellent alternative to going out myself!

Currently working nights but I spotted venus is quite well placed when I get back from work so might try for a look in the morning.

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On 22/11/2023 at 02:14, scotty1 said:

01.00 GMT

I didn't actually see this , as I was looking north at the time. But the camera picked up either a satellite flare, or possibly a northern Taurid. It looks white, usually meteors leave green or orange in the trails. 

13s ISO 1600 f3.5


That's really nice!

Orion is spectacular but Sirius looks surreal!

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Sky was unexpectedly clear so I set up aiming to see Jupiter with the 8”, having had increasingly good views through the 105 and the 140 in recent weeks. In the event I got about 5 seconds of the Moon as a pre-align, and that was it, total cloud, suddenly and completely.


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50 minutes ago, Mr Spock said:

If anyone wants to look at the sun right now the surface is covered in spots. I can't remember seeing so many!

Wow, looks amazing on the web images. Was sunny earlier here but now has clouded over 🤬🤬


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Seeing isn't so good so magnification is limited. In steadier moments the amount of detail and complexity in the structures is amazing.

It's a bit chilly out - 6° - so have come in for a few minutes. I need to get back out quick though as it will go below the houses opposite shortly :sad2:

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It's cloudy here right now,  but the cold stuff from the North looks like it could bring some clear hours this evening:



Interestingly, Meteoblue is forecasting some poor seeing here, but Metcheck is much more optimistic.

The jet stream will still be with us:


and of course, the big, bright thing will be up all night, though quite low down in Pisces.

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These houses are a nuisance. The sun was gone about 14:10 and now I've missed the transit and shadow of Io as Jupiter is behind the house at the other side. GRS is drifting across at the moment and I may not see that fully.

There's a Ganymede transit at close to midnight. So, that's next up.

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Popped the all seeing Tak of wonder, that cuts through poor seeing and shows razor sharp views under all conditions…. Except tonight it doesn’t 🤣🤣 Moon wobbling like a jelly and Jupiter under a stream of water. Couldn’t even see GRS 🤬



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1 minute ago, Stu said:

Popped the all seeing Tak of wonder, that cuts through poor seeing and shows razor sharp views under all conditions…. Except tonight it doesn’t 🤣🤣 Moon wobbling like a jelly and Jupiter under a stream of water. Couldn’t even see GRS 🤬



I've just put my scope out - I might bring it back in on the basis of that report ! 😁

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19 minutes ago, Stu said:

Give it a go John, might be better up your way…

I can't see Jupiter or the moon yet but Saturn is looking quite good with my ED120 at 225x. Some shimmering going on but between those I can see the usual details including the cassini division showing around the ring ansae. 

Jupiter tends to be more challenging though so we will see what that looks like in due course. 

Bit nippy compared to other recent nights 😬

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Same here - 1.5° at the moment = extra layer needed. 

Seeing is poor. On Jupiter I can make out four belts plus dark polar region and maybe a hint of the GRS. This jetstream is brutal.

I'll give it an hour and have another look. If it's no better I'll fetch everything in.

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I was just out. Despite the bad seeing (I couldn't push past 120x) the transit of Io was perceptible for me. It's my first transit :) I couldn't make out the Red Spot though.

I also took some time on Saturn (better seeing in that direction, going up to 200x - barely acceptable though), and then added a couple of L100 objects to my list. I definitely need a filter for the Moon, it hurts my eye and I have a hard time focusing on any detail...

Super chilly tonight!

Edited by SwiMatt
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I've moved on to Neptune now. Tiny little disk (2.3 arc seconds) but clearly not a star at 150x and upwards. I could not spot Triton with the 120mm tonight but the moon is not far away so that might have drowned the mag 12 moon out. 

Some annoying clouds floating around currently. Hope they shove off rather than build up !

If it stays mostly clear I'd like to observe all 4 of the gas giants this evening 🙂


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