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StarAdventurer 2i

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on a star adventurer pro 2i

Hi guys, first post but I've read several. I'm having a weird issue where the mount will stop tracking in app mode but if I switch to the same setting on the dial as I was using in app, it works fine. ( IE if I'm shooting sidereal in app mode and it stops tracking I can switch the dial from app the the star and it starts tracking fine)


but if I go back to app it stays not working until the next time I set up. 


my first thoughts were the clutch was getting loose or the balance was off by to much for the mount to handle it but it working correctly in other modes should rule this out. 


any ideas?

Edited by Delta0Hat
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I think it's something to do with the settings in the app. 

I remember a few other users a while ago having this issue. I can't remember how to resolve it yet but I think you have to input new time and intervals or something on the app as it's set to how it was from the factory. I'll try and see if I can find the post. 

This may help you


Edited by AstroNebulee
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