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Hello Everyone! 

Being new to the world of astronomy, I've recently borrowed a skywatcher 114 by chance. Taking it home I immediately aimed at Jupiter, Saturn and the moon! From that moment, I've been hooked. 

I've now spent most my spare time (IE. Cloud covered skies) researching, watching videos for this new found hobby and wanting to progress. I've a Nikon D3200, 70-300mm kit lens and a basic tripod. My next challenge will be to attempt some photos of Andromeda, I'm hoping I'll be able to achieve something I will be happy with! 

I've slowly been looking at mounts, when the time comes, I'm hoping to potentially fall on a used EQM 35 Pro which I believe will be the best within my budget, whilst full filling my needs. Later down the line, I quite like the look of a zenithstar to go on top! 

Anyway, just wanted to say hello and looking forward to joining this new found community!

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Hi, and welcome.

I have the EQM-35 mount and I can attest that it's a good piece of kit. Not only for your current level (beginner) but also further levels ((intermediate and experienced) should you get properly hooked.

I completely understand your choice of mount. I probably had the same deliberations as you, when I started out myself. On the one hand an equatorial go-to mount is pretty much essential if you want to venture into astro photography. On the other hand you can buy mounts that cost as much as a house, and you're not quite ready for that kind of commitment. EQM seems like a very good choice for you. As it was for me. 

I am however looking to upgrade to an EQ6. Not because the EQM isn't a good mount, but simply because I've been piling more and heavier equipment on it that puts an unreasonable strain on its 10kg load capacity. Somewhere down the line, if you continue your interest in astrophotography, you might find yourself in the same position.

Astro photography is as fulfilling a hobby as it is expensive. You can buy specialized cameras that cost more than your mount. I speak from personal experience :).

But hey, don't let me discourage you with financial troubles. I'm sometimes amazed at what dedicated astro photographers can achieve with much less (and cheaper) equipment than me. And I'm guessing they're having just as much fun as I am.

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Thanks everyone! 

@George Gearless thank you for your help! I have looked into it a decent amount and fairly set on the mount now, your comments help reinforce that. 

Yes I completely appreciate the cost that goes along with the hobby, I'm just going to build up little by little as I go along and have fun with it! 

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