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Jupiter 9th September

neil phillips

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Conditions not great. with a strong air stream. Still a lot better than the 8th September. Could barely get it in focus. Was really bad. Threw all the data away. 

Also something i think i will try to do more of. Maybe oversampling to see if i can increase a sense of resolution. Will have to see. But processed Callisto and Ganymede seperately, heavily resampled. But confident the detail is reasonably accurate. 

september 9th 22 13 UT.png

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz try again.bmp send.png


Edited by neil phillips
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You have done really well Neil.The detail on the moons is excellent considering the conditions throughout the UK. Just thinking the over sampling may well have helped with the moon captures with them being small objects?. you are always willing to experiment so a thumbs up from me. I have actually increased my sampling to 0.15 from 0.12 but may move it back slightly having seen your results.

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4 hours ago, MarkRadice said:

Great stuff, Neil. Love the surface details. 

Just imagine what the it's going to be like next year when Jupiter is higher again and Mars is coming back.

I keep thinking about that Mark. Its going to be a lot of fun. with some nice images coming to the UK guys. 

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3 hours ago, astroman001 said:

Conditions poor here as well. Amazed you got good resolution on the moons when Jupiter was not so good.


Wasnt great Peter i should put up a example. But the real totally image destroying seeing. Is the effect i had two nights in a row. That you mentioned. Not being able to focus, it was just going blurry out of focus all the time.

I noticed those conditions go hand in hand with a very dry warm atmosphere. Can tell this. Because not a trace of dew or moisture on the scope. My theory is, under such conditions we are filming through layers of very dry warm air cells. And it has the effect of defocusing the image. What i had last night, was the usual fast moving stream. Not good. but no where near as damaging as the other type of problem. ( my scope had dew on this occasion) You can get detail. if the scope is working well. With good focus. Under these conditions. But the other condition you first mentioned. Forget it. Pack up and have a night off. 

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1 hour ago, si@nite said:

Hi Neil conditions really letting us all down latley, still a decent capture and some great moon detail thoe!

Have a lot of time on my hands Simon. As is obvious here. So trying to image a lot. Is the reason i am getting lucky some of the time. But many occassions its not working out. But despite all this. Enjoying my astronomy again as much as when i first started i think. Which is the only positive to come out of the pandemic for me personally.  


Edited by neil phillips
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40 minutes ago, U Cyg said:

You keep on getting out there Neil!  Nice shots, but great detail on the moons. Well done.

Cloudy here on Wednesday and rain yesterday and today.


Yes Angie its actually really good therapy.  Have not done well mentally during this pandemic. Had problems with my immune system when i was younger. So really wasnt prepared for this particularly well. Every chance i get i enjoy being in the garden doing something i love. Its been helping so much i dont want to stop. Yes the rain has come hasnt it. Looking foward to the moon returning soon. As i want to try a hi res mosaic i have in mind. Heres hoping

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Good luck with the mosaic, hope you get clear skies.

I haven't done Lunar for years, as within seconds the image inverts.  It's very frustrating, it even happens when looking at images on the computer or in books. 😞


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On 11/09/2021 at 13:02, U Cyg said:

Good luck with the mosaic, hope you get clear skies.

I haven't done Lunar for years, as within seconds the image inverts.  It's very frustrating, it even happens when looking at images on the computer or in books. 😞


Never heard of that before Angie. Sorry to hear you get that 

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7 hours ago, Pete Presland said:

Terrific set of images, an excellent level of detail visible. The 8th was horrible, i did one run and gave up!

Yes been some real throw away nights recently hasnt there Pete. The going out of focus problem is the worst. Its weird because under such conditions there often is no air stream. But if the planet keeps going out of focus. it doesnt benefit. Its actually better under a fast moving air stream. But stable focus. 

Edited by neil phillips
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4 hours ago, neil phillips said:

Yes been some real throw away nights recently hasnt there Pete. The going out of focus problem is the worst. Its weird because under such conditions there often is no air stream. But if the planet keeps going out of focus. it doesnt benefit. Its actually better under a fast moving air stream. But stable focus. 

Certainly did not take me long to realise it was going to be a waste of time.  Dont mind being tired for decent data, but no point trying to beat those conditions. 

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