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Orion Optics UK

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I will be taking a delivery of a CT10L soon to be used for visual observing. Orion Optics UK scopes are very rare in the US.

Keeping in mind that the CT line is their premium line Newtonian (or ultra Newtonian as they call it) what sort of reputation do they have in the UK/ Europe? 

My primary motivation with going with this  OTA is the optics quality.

All comments (good and bad) are appreciated!

Clear Skies!

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OO optics are superb and have been impressed by their 1/10 PV versions. Some complain about their customer service but I’ve found asking politely gets you great service whereas demanding gets their backs up. but all I can say I’ve had a few scopes off them and have had no problems.

Edited by johninderby
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15 minutes ago, johninderby said:

I’ve found asking politely gets you great service whereas demanding gets their backs up.

Be fair John. Asking politely (which is all I’ve ever done) makes no difference and you are making some big assumptions that everyone else is demanding in your statement.

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52 minutes ago, ollypenrice said:

The only thing I ever asked for (perfectly politely in my view) was a manual for a new telescope. I didn't get one though.


You're just supposed to know how to use any telescope if you're ordering from OO. 😉😄

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3 minutes ago, KP82 said:

If the OP is in the states, wouldn't Zambuto or Parallax Instruments be the more usual options for premium newtonian optics?

Zambuto, Kennedy, Lockwood and other premium mirror makers don't make finished scopes.  Webster might be a good choice for them to get a complete telescope.  Starmaster closed up shop some years ago and then the owner, Rick Singmaster, passed away just a few years after that.  Teeter also makes premium scopes from premium mirrors, though Rob was taking a pause a little while ago.  I don't see that mentioned on his website anymore.  Most of these scopes are Dobs.  I don't see any Dobs listed on the OO website, so it's not really an apples to apples comparison.

Parallax is a closer match to OO, but I know little about their telescopes.  They're mostly known for their EQ mounts over here.

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Aside from the customer service, and in the interests of balance......

The scopes are generally optically excellent, and the newts are mechanically very good these days. I’ve had a few, all bought used and have always enjoyed them. I currently have an  8” f8 1/10th wave which is excellent, and  amongst others, previously had a VX12L which was similarly excellent.

I’ve heard a few horror stories of larger mirrors having problems, and scopes taking much longer than originally promised to be delivered, but my personal experience of owning used scopes has been good.

I object to being told it is my approach which is the cause of the poor customer service when I am always polite and never demanding, yet the attitude towards customers is often brusque to say the least.

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3 minutes ago, Louis D said:

Zambuto, Kennedy, Lockwood and other premium mirror makers don't make finished scopes.  Webster might be a good choice for them to get a complete telescope.  Starmaster closed up shop some years ago and then the owner, Rick Singmaster, passed away just a few years after that.  Teeter also makes premium scopes from premium mirrors, though Rob was taking a pause a little while ago.  I don't see that mentioned on his website anymore.  Most of these scopes are Dobs.  I don't see any Dobs listed on the OO website, so it's not really an apples to apples comparison.

Parallax is a closer match to OO, but I know little about their telescopes.  They're mostly known for their EQ mounts over here.

Thanks for sharing the info. That's a lot of premium mirror/dob makers. 😍

OOUK actually sell their dob base separately. So all their newts are simply sold as plain OTAs, but you can add a dob base or EQ mount during checkout.

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8 minutes ago, KP82 said:

OOUK actually sell their dob base separately. So all their newts are simply sold as plain OTAs, but you can add a dob base or EQ mount during checkout.

Thanks, I forgot about that.

9 minutes ago, KP82 said:

Thanks for sharing the info. That's a lot of premium mirror/dob makers. 😍

I didn't even mention Obsession who uses OMI and Ostahowski mirrors.  I'm sure I'm missing a few others.  There are also a bunch of others like Star Splitter and Tectron who, like Starmaster, and closed up shop over the past 25 years.  Their used scopes can make for a good deal.

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22 minutes ago, Stu said:

the attitude towards customers is often brusque to say the least.

Sounds like NYC photo retailers.  Unless you're buying product, they really don't want to be on the phone with you.

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27 minutes ago, Stu said:

I object to being told it is my approach which is the cause of the poor customer service when I am always polite and never demanding, yet the attitude towards customers is often brusque to say the least.

I have found this as well, and learned not to bother.

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I believe that the lead time for a  Zambuto mirror in over a year now. I did want a complete OTA assembly. I am having a custom Dob mount made here in the US. I was attracted to the optics as well as the carbon fiber tube I.e. I am not going to spend thousands of dollars on a telescope with a glorified cardboard tube. Having said that i should have looked at truss designs a bit more although a 10" f6 is a bit long for a truss design.


Thanks  all!



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OO UK are friendly when contacted or spoken to directly at Astrofest London.  They have a mixed reputation in the UK, my own experience is also mixed.  My 15 year old 10” f4.8 Dob with 1/4 wave engraved on the back of the primary gives excellent visual views, in good conditions planetary detail is superb, difficult double stars well resolved.

A second hand OO UK 8” f6 1/10 wave Dob gave very poor results.  When the primary was independently bench tested it showed why the views were dreadful.  In spite of the fact it was second hand OO agreed to “rework” the mirror, recoat and return at no cost, this they did within 2 weeks of the return of the mirror. The reworked mirror gave much better results and tested as good as my old 1/4 wave 10”.

When the original purchaser of the 8” bought it having specified top grade optics the scope was very definitely below par. As a beginner he was unaware.  It should never have left the factory in my opinion and also the opinion of the independent experienced optical tester.

As I said, a mixed experience.

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1 minute ago, NGC 1502 said:

OO UK are friendly when contacted or spoken to directly at Astrofest London.  

This was not my experience at Astrofest. You only get one opportunity in life to speak to me as I was spoken to on that occasion.


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1 minute ago, ollypenrice said:

This was not my experience at Astrofest. You only get one opportunity in life to speak to me as I was spoken to on that occasion.


Hi Olly, sounds like a mixed experience we’ve had 😁

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The most frustrating thing is that, as a U.K. based company, I’m aching for this sort of feedback to stop! I just want them to listen to the comments and make the relatively small changes needed to become a fabulous company to deal with. The customer is always wrong is never the best approach in my book!

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I'm open to PMs on this matter. I don't say this because I fear OO UK will threaten me with their lawyers, as they did threaten one of my own customers. I say it because it does not make for the kind of atmosphere we all enjoy on SGL. 


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16 minutes ago, niallk said:

I hope their service will be consistently good when the time arrives

For what it's worth I recently sent in a 12" dob mirror for a new hilux coating, and it was back with me 6 days after I sent it off and in perfect condition. That's the one and only dealing I've had with OOUK.  

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4 minutes ago, CraigT82 said:

For what it's worth I recently sent in a 12" dob mirror for a new hilux coating, and it was back with me 6 days after I sent it off and in perfect condition. That's the one and only dealing I've had with OOUK.  

I'm thinking of having my 12" OO mirror done at some point - can you give me an idea of the cost ?

A PM would be fine, if you get a moment :smiley:


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According to their current website a 300mm diameter mirror costs £124 + £24 carriage + VAT,  a 301mm costs £142 +£30 carriage + VAT  so measure the mirror carefully!     🙂

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1 hour ago, John said:

I'm thinking of having my 12" OO mirror done at some point - can you give me an idea of the cost ?

A PM would be fine, if you get a moment :smiley:


I’ve had several mirrors recoated by OO and have been very happy with the speed of service and quality of product that I received back. I had a mirror in a 12” f6 which was supposed 1/12th wave when I bought it used. They tested it at 1/11th wave when it was recoated, so no complaints there.

Yin and Yang!

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3 hours ago, astroman99 said:

I believe that the lead time for a  Zambuto mirror in over a year now.

I will say they are sublime, though.  My best views of Jupiter were through a Zambuto equipped 12.5" Mag-1 Portaball on an Osypowski equatorial platform some years ago at a star party.

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