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Counting the clear nights (not)


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This is a quick and dirty survey of sorts, but reading through my copy of this month's Astronomy Now, I noticed that not one deep space image in the 'Gallery' section was imaged from the UK.

This reinforces my view that the last year has been pants for imaging, but It also made me think, if nobody's imaging much, they are not going to invest in new kit, so how are the astro retailers going to survive?


Just my musings


Huw O

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1 hour ago, Horwig said:

This is a quick and dirty survey of sorts, but reading through my copy of this month's Astronomy Now, I noticed that not one deep space image in the 'Gallery' section was imaged from the UK.

This reinforces my view that the last year has been pants for imaging, but It also made me think, if nobody's imaging much, they are not going to invest in new kit, so how are the astro retailers going to survive?


Just my musings


Huw O

Hmmm, I have only managed two clear nights since the end of September. It hasn't stopped me buying two filters, a RACI finderscope, guidescope and an ES 24mm 82 degree eyepiece. I think the optimists will keep the astro retailers going!

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I have often considered taking up AP, it’s something I’ve thought about for when I retire and have more time early next year. I have been a visual observer for years and I love it. The last few months have been challenging, constant and relentless cloud which has made visual observations difficult let alone AP. It’s a situation that can only worsen as climate change predicts wetter weather in the UK which obviously means more clouds. I think I’ll be sticking to visual for the foreseeable 

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1 hour ago, Horwig said:

if nobody's imaging much, they are not going to invest in new kit, so how are the astro retailers going to survive?


Just my musings


Huw O

You wouldn't think it if you tried to buy anything at the moment!!! Though I agree with your observations. I've not had any chance to point at Orion this year where I've managed to have a go every other year before hand. At least 2 months before and after Christmas have been a write off apart from the odd few hours here and there.

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The "new kit cloud gods" work in reverse it would seem. I bought some geoptik grease to re-grease my mount. So straight after it arrives and I was ready to take my mount out of service for a few days and not be fussed whether it's cloudy, I get 2 cloud free nights in a row, with 2 more expected! 

So everybody, buy some grease! 🙂


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I managed four targets by November but I'm not inclined to do long integration times. The only one I had to wait several weeks to finish was my North American Nebula amd then I also imaged the Pelican nebula the same night. Since then I've imaged the Orion and Running Man nebulae which I've not done for a very long time. I managed narrowband and RGB which I combined as below. Llast night I managed to get some ha until the high cloud came over. Hopefully I'll get the RGB early on tonight and then move on to the Ha for the Flaming Star.

Thank goodness Pixinsight is so good at noise reduction


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I think the inverse law generally applies, the more cloudy nights, the more people look at new/better kit and then make purchases. I know I have spent more on Astro kit in the last 12 months than the previous 2 years put together.

Of course, if the hopeless weather persists with no respite, then the law will break down at some point, and then the S/H market will be flooded with stuff.

But for me it only takes a few clear nights such as we are experiencing now (albeit with a full moon) to keep me going through the next few cloudy periods.

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2 minutes ago, tomato said:

I think the inverse law generally applies, the more cloudy nights, the more people look at new/better kit and then make purchases. I know I have spent more on Astro kit in the last 12 months than the previous 2 years put together.

Of course, if the hopeless weather persists with no respite, then the law will break down at some point, and then the S/H market will be flooded with stuff.

But for me it only takes a few clear nights such as we are experiencing now (albeit with a full moon) to keep me going through the next few cloudy periods.

I agree with all that statement, I maybe do not understand why but I agree 🙂 


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