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My second date outside with Skymax 127 az gti


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Wow the second date with this beauty was even better than the first. With the skies clear blue all day and promising a good few hours of stargazing this evening I set up my scope and mount, remembering to level the mount this time around! I put the scope onto cool and got the North level alignment position set up using a geographical north compass app and polar aligner Pro app to get the scope level. Earlier in the day I updated the firmware so I can put the scope on the right side so my rdf is correctly positioned and I don't have to contort into wierd poses. Whilst cooling I got all the ep's arranged and in relevant pockets and the laptop fired up ready for the zwo asi120mc-s and sharcap. North level aligned using Capella and Mars. Then straight to the beautiful moon, connected my dslr first and fired off 70 odd raw images, then I cvoukd see the ISS zipping across the sky just below the moon, I tried to get it in shot but failed miserably (another target to put on the list for imaging), then connected my zwo and toured around the Moon capturing my planned targets of Plato, Copernicus, Clauvius, Tyco and my favourite Sinus Iridum, though it wasn't fully viewable. Then I connected the zwo with my 2x Barlow to repeat the targets for much more close ups and despite the real high magnification not sure how much but probably way past the practical mag of the scope but I like pushing the boundaries. I really have fallen back in love with the Moon and so much to explore and map. Then to Mars (which was looking really good) and Uranus again as a lot of other targets were out of reach with my scope and the light levels. But I don't care the moon is where I want to be right now, as I can get my set up outside. After 2 hours I had to come in although I was well wrapped up in my clothes, onesie, thermal socks, hat and fur lined boots, mh hands were getting cold as I find it hard with any type of gloves when handling items and the laptop, if anyone knows a good pair they use I'd love to hear. I was beginning to see frost forming on the mount, scope body and rucksack, I didn't want to risk things so I packed up and brought everything in. Will spend the day processing my captures moro. Sorry its another long wittering report from me but I'm like an astronomer with unlimited money to spend at FLO, so excited I don't know where to turn and become a jibbering mess. I hope others have had an exciting clear night. πŸ˜πŸ‘πŸŒŒπŸ”­

Edited by LeeHore7
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Super report - nice to read your enthusiasm !

I've just bought my 12 inch dob in after a nice session.

Thin cloud is creeping across the sky so no point in hanging around out there. Finished on high notes of Sirius B followed by the Eskimo Nebula. The planetary nebulae such as the Eskimo hold up quite well even with a bright moon in the sky.

The moon was really lovely as well wasn't it ?

Glad you are having fun - that's what it's all about :icon_biggrin:

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14 minutes ago, LeeHore7 said:

Loved every minute of it Kon, I hope it was clear for you.Β 

Yes it was a great night for me too. It is nice to read other people's excitement and observations!

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14 minutes ago, Pixies said:

Sounds good. My stuff is cooling outside while I type in the online shopping for the weekΒ πŸ™„

I might take some snaps of the moon, but it'sΒ mainly visual for me.

Good luck with the online shop pixies πŸ™„ and for your observing later, hope you have a good evening, the cloud has rolled in now and snow forecast in the night here

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16 minutes ago, John said:

Super report - nice to read your enthusiasm !

I've just bought my 12 inch dob in after a nice session.

Thin cloud is creeping across the sky so no point in hanging around out there. Finished on high notes of Sirius B followed by the Eskimo Nebula. The planetary nebulae such as the Eskimo hold up quite well even with a bright moon in the sky.

The moon was really lovely as well wasn't it ?

Glad you are having fun - that's what it's all about :icon_biggrin:

Thank you John, I'm just loving finally doing proper stargazing at last. Your session sounds amazing and some nice targets acquired. The moon was definitely looking beautiful tonight.Β 

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A good session you had there Lee. I was out with the AZGTI and Skymax 102. Moon exploration up to tack sharp 200x. Then some easy double splits before the clouds rolled in and the kit was brought in to thaw..

Regarding the gloves, I use some cheap fingerless gloves with grippy palms. They were about a fiver from a market stall.

Looking forward to seeing your lunar pics. πŸ‘


Edited by ScouseSpaceCadet
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Great reports ,I I too was out tonight with my grandson for company Β and the Moon was really great viewing.

My grandson is in to astro photography and took some good views of the moon and Orion we really enjoyed the night, what a change in the weather for once

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5 minutes ago, ScouseSpaceCadet said:

A good session you had there Lee. I was out with the AZGTI and Skymax 102. Moon exploration up to tack sharp 200x. Then some easy double splits before the clouds rolled in and the kit was brought in to melt..

Regarding the gloves, I use some cheap fingerless gloves with grippy palms. They were about a fiver from a market stall.

Looking forward to seeing your lunar pics. πŸ‘


You had a good session tonight also Space cadet, it was a bit of a melting process bringing the kit in earlier wasn't it, the beautiful moon was showing off most definitely. Thank you with your fingerless gloves recommendation, I'll puruse the net for some. Let's hope my images mirror my excitement tonight 😊

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3 minutes ago, LeeHore7 said:

You had a good session tonight also Space cadet, it was a bit of a melting process bringing the kit in earlier wasn't it, the beautiful moon was showing off most definitely. Thank you with your fingerless gloves recommendation, I'll puruse the net for some. Let's hope my images mirror my excitement tonight 😊

Nothing as interesting as your session, but it was good just to get out for a couple of hours and use the gear.

Look for a thin pair of fingerless gloves. Unless you're up in the mountains or arctic conditions, a thin pair will keep the chill off, and not snag on a keyboard etc.

I'm sure someone will come along and recommend a pair but mine are similar to these:


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10 minutes ago, ScouseSpaceCadet said:

Look for a thin pair of fingerless gloves. Unless you're up in the mountains or arctic conditions, a thin pair will keep the chill off, and not snag on a keyboard etc.

I'm sure someone will come along and recommend a pair but mine are similar to these:


Thanks space cadet, I'm just about to look on amazon now πŸ‘

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Great report, it's been pretty good out there tonight.

I was out for a hour or so checking out the moon and some bits and pieces in Orion. I had to pack up prematurely as my patio and the steps back down to the house were icing up and I didn't want to be carrying my scope down icy stone steps in the dark.

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58 minutes ago, Epick Crom said:

Enjoyable report Leehore! The moon sure is alluring. The amount of detail visible in a telescope is incredible. What a fantastic hobby Astronomy isπŸ‘ŒπŸ˜Š

Yes it sure is a fantastic hobby or with me obsession πŸ˜πŸ‘

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Ha ha, I love that feeling when you get a clear night and the views are good!Β  Glad you had a good oneΒ - the Skywatcher 127 is an absolute beauty on the moon (and planets).Β  On those occasions where the seeing is good, the views look like you could be in orbit around the moon, looking down over the lunar craters and mountains!

Here's hoping for more clear skies soon!

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I know what you mean, I was getting butterflies all afternoon, hoping the skies would stay clear and nearer the time to take the scope outside I was trying to keep busy, sorting my equipment to take outside and clothes sorted for wrapping up. Thankfully it stayed clear. My skymax 137 was giving beautiful views and an absolute beast on the moon and planets, I must of taken 15 video files to process today I just lost myself in the moon, so much to explore there, though would of liked to get the chance to view the moon tonight as my favourite sinus iridium will be looking great tonight. Clear skiesΒ 

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I agree with you regarding your core temperature, I was toasty warm in my core, I think I'll purchase the ones space cadet linked me to, but whilst I was looking for them I inadvertently went toΒ @FLOΒ and purchased a hyperflex zoom 7.2-21.5mm eyepiece ,how do these things happen πŸ˜‰πŸ˜Š, clear skiesΒ 

Edited by LeeHore7
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