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Important changes to All Future Bookings at Any Galloway Scottish Star Camps


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An important Note to all attending or wishing to attend any future Scottish Star Camps at Drumroamin.


This applies to any persons already booked or wishing to book a pitch.


If you have already booked and disagree, please can you cancel your booking/s preferably as soon as possible.


In general, you can cancel up to 30 days prior to any Star Camp. After that you will be expected to pay for the original nights booked, as refilling the pitches may not be possible due to time restrictions or contact problems.





We are and have been very lucky to be hosted by Lesley and Ralph Shell who genuinely want to see The Premier Scottish Star Camp succeed and they have gone out of their way many times in the past to accommodate us and our needs.



Unfortunately,  some attendees have been leaving the camp site earlier than their nights originally booked.


In future the owners cannot afford to continue to bear the costs of late cancellations or people leaving earlier than booked for.



Covid-19 restrictions have a severe and detrimental affected their profit margins.


Late cancellations affect the availability of places for those on the backup/waiting list as it precludes their attendance at such an eleventh hour. Spaces are at a premium due to the Covid-19 restrictions!


As such, the owners Lesley and Ralph have reluctantly decided


in future ALL NIGHTS BOOKED must be paid for in full.


(Just because the weather turns cloudy or it rains during your stay is not a valid reason to leave earlier than planned without paying for nights booked.)


(Unless there are weather related reasons i.e. likelihood of damage to tents and life due to severe weather).

This will remain the owners decision at all times.


(In general you can cancel up to 30 days prior to any Star Camp which allows time for people on the backup list to take the spaces freed up.

But attempting to cancel after the 30 day limit will not be allowed and you will be expected to pay for the original booked nights.)






As always those wishing to attend a day or so early and/or stay longer can request this with Lesley at the time of booking!

(This depends upon availability due to other reservations by the general public.)


Best wishes


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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Adrian, I hope you are doing OK.

The above announcement  was not a post that I wished to place here on the forum, but the present nightmare of Covid -19 has changed a lot of things and expectations.

Still, there is now some hope on the horizon as to how we may be able to deal with this terrible outbreak, in the form of the up and coming inoculations promised some time in the New Year.  Hopefully for some even earlier. 

A return to happier times will be a very welcome boost to every ones moral I think.

It will be very nice to be allowed to return to the way The Scottish Star Camps were held in the past if that is ever possible!

Stay well Adrian.


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a post that was needed though Derek, come wind rain or clear nites were all there for the duration. I have to move a few days about in spring cos holidays were messed up, still be there from the tuesday onwards  though. hope you and annette are keeping ok, catch up later 

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3 hours ago, jamie56 said:

 I have to move a few days about in spring cos holidays were messed up, still be there from the tuesday onwards  though.

Hi Jim,

Yes it will be good to catch up once again. Just as long as we are able to do so!

The news of several possible Covid inoculations becoming imminently available is a welcome respite to the ears. Let's hope it works out for us all.

The Scottish Star Parties at Drumroamin are one of  the highlights of our year 😃🥃😃.

I hope you and Dawn have a nice Christmas and New Year. Keep well.😷🥃🥃🥃



Edited by Physopto
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Just seen this and must say I'm surprised it hasn't happened earlier.

This is the case with other sites including the Kielder star party As confirmed by Richard Darn who I happened on at the top of sutton Bank today doing some follow up day time photography to a light pollution article. 

Cheers Derek 

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On 22/11/2020 at 23:09, Physopto said:

Hi Damian,

I haven't seen Richard for a few years now. I hope he is well and going strong.

Sutton Bank, you get around 😂


No astronomy Derek just an 8 mile walk, Richard had been taking day time photo's to back up the night time ones he'd taken previously. 

The light pollution around the North Yorkshire dark sky Park has become much worse he was sorry to inform me. I didn't catch the website he was feeding the info into but it shows the degradation of the skies over a time period. 

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Its  ignorance plain and simple- the last thing we want is for the site owners to withdraw the hosting of the event due to a few numpties- you book -you arrive- you pay- you enjoy the stay , clear skies or not- there's plenty of marvellous Galloway walking, cycling or sightseeing if the sky gods dont play ball!!


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On 24/11/2020 at 21:05, merlin100 said:

@Physopto Some of us had legitimate reasons for leaving early. Just saying... 

Let's get something straight here !

I was posting exactly what the campsite owners wanted nothing more, nothing less.

So no more pointed fingers please !!



The owners have for some time, now and in the past, (i.e. not just this time), put up with some of the Star Camp attendees either not showing up or leaving earlier than originally booked in for.

Whilst in more normal times this was accommodated it can no longer be so.


Due to Covid-19, things have come to a head.

As Lesley said she cannot keep taking the loss of income.

Damage to the field can cost a lot to repair and makes it unusable in the mean for letting out for the general public usage.

The campsite costs a lot to run.

The maximum numbers allowed on the field have severely cut the revenue from the camp site, ( in normal times it was around 40 caravans/motorhomes/tents).

Now a maximum of around 25 pitches  for us and less for the general public (as there are usually more people in family groups).

The utility blocks still cost the same to heat and maintain, and cost even more to clean due to the Covid-19 restrictions.


Things  have come to the point, that due to these costs the owner cannot stay in business if the No-Shows or early leaver numbers continue.


This would mean an end to the Star Camp at Drumroamin altogether in future.

Finding another venue that would host the Scottish Star Camp would be nigh on impossible in the short run and this could remain so possibly for the next two or three years!



In the past the owners have  accepted the early levers to some extent as they understand that there are unexpected family/work problems.

They have not asked or stipulated that anyone would be expected to pay for Late Cancellations / Early Leavers or No-Shows.

Hence they have not asked for the money and felt it was wrong to take it under those circumstances, even when offered!


The owners are now having to change the rules due to the Covid-19 pandemic.


I was asked to post these New Rules so everyone was informed of the changes well in advance.


The rules are now quite clear and if anyone disagrees, they are at liberty not to book or attend in future.


As stipulated in the original post above, you will be expected to pay in full for all nights booked in future.


The Drumroamin Scottish Star Camp has been going now for over 10 years.

I hope it will for many more years to come.


We need to realise that things have changed recently.


We also need stick together to support our favourite "one and only" (at present) Premier Scottish Star Camp, if we want it to continue.


( I am sure everyone will wish David and Martyn luck with their future Star Camps up in Abernethy. We need more than one in Scotland. )


Please stay safe and Everyone have a great Christmas and New Year.

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@Physopto I wasn't pointing fingers.  We'll happily just do our own thing in future, where ever and whenever we choose. That'll free up spaces for others. 

Whilst notices are important, is it really that important that some of your reply is in strong colours? It's like typing all in capitals... 

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Very awkward time for us all ! I keep on looking at all the bad news and so many poor sods either losing their businesses or jobs. It is a lousy thing to happen at anytime least of all this  time of year.

I have spoken to Lesley a lot over the last couple of months and again on the 24th to see what she wanted in the last Info Bulletin.

She and Ralph are I believe, upgrading the entrance area before the next season starts. This is to try to alleviate some of the vehicle damage being done during the very wet weather that has been occurring during recent years. More money spent to improve the field to cut some of the yearly maintenance and repair costs due to vehicles entering the area. So I guess  a long term repay term for them,  but with benefits to all of us.

Edited by Physopto
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Again Derek well said, we have had the luxury of Lesley and Ralph's welcome and amazing surroundings for years they have to make a living same as everyone else, and I believe she had to turn away some regulars this time , not sure about others but I would rather be down there than stuck on some take it or leave it go as you please location, at least you know you can safely leave your lit out and it will be there when you return. Maybe ranting a bit but some people just dont appreciate the efforts that go into this amazing event, that makes it a great venue for us all. 





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