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Wanted: Cloud-free, dark skies !


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Looks a lovely set up John!

But I wouldn't be alone in saying that you may have a bit of a wait for some clear skies!!

(We all know the feeling of frustration one gets when waiting to use a new scope).

Ah well, you will no doubt enjoy your your new scope when that clear night comes along.

Best wishes,


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I don't know about flavours John, but the eyepieces do look tasty. :hello2:

I think I one day will need to invest in two or three quality occulars. I have always had run of the mill stuff,

although I keep preaching to others, don't spoil your scope, for the sake of buying a decent eyepiece.

Ron. :D

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Looks great! Just out of curiosity, what flavours of Nagler do you have in that case?

Thanks for all the nice comments folks - no chance of using it this evening though - completely cloud / continuous rain here :hello2:

Oh well - it's heightening the anticipation :D

Ant - the Naglers are the 31mm T5 (The TermiNagler of course !), 22mm T4, 16mm T5, 13mm T6, 9mm T6, 7mm T6 and the 5mm T6. Theres also a 2.5 x Powermate for high power use with my F/6.5 refractor.


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Very nice indeed John.

Will give you great views. One bit of advice though is get a light shroud you will be amazed at the difference.

Thanks Mick :)

I've been eyeing up shrouds (I might need one myself if it does not stop raining soon :hello2: )

The semi-rigid one from Astro Engineering looks interesting but the Telescope House one is cheaper - but not so "elegant" - probably does the job though.

Any others I should be looking at ?.

I'm happy to kit the scope out a bit but (for a change :D ) I'm waiting to see what accessories are a real benefit rather than just "nice to have". The scope already has Bobs Knobs, uprated collimation springs and a low profile azimuth bolt adaptation. Sounds like the shroud should be on the "real benefit" list along with some feet on the bottom of the OTA to save standing the tube on the collimation knobs (ouch !).


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..some feet on the bottom of the OTA to save standing the tube on the collimation knobs (ouch !).


Stick 3 or 4 door stops on John - they do the job brilliantly :hello2:


Thanks Helen :D - I recall that a friend of yours has a Lightbridge I think - has he / she used the doorstop trick and, if so, how were they fastened to the rear of the OTA ?.



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This is the one I have.


Really good quality.

Actually thats my scope :hello2:

Both the scope and the shroud look the business Mick - how easy / difficult is fitting and removing the Astrozap shroud - or don't you bother once it's on ?.



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Thanks Helen - I recall that a friend of yours has a Lightbridge I think - has he / she used the doorstop trick and, if so, how were they fastened to the rear of the OTA ?.



Yes, she's done it John and it works great! I'm pretty sure they are stuck on, but I'm going around tonight in the hope of some clear skies, so I'll check :hello2:


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Looks great John. A Baader coma corrector has really enhanced my enjoyment of my 300mm skyliner, especially when using wide angle EPs

Thanks Martin :D

Another item for the potential shopping list then :hello2:

Lucky it's my birthday in February !!.


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Looks good John, Have you actually been out and run it through its maiden voyage yet....

Now I know who to blame for the :) around here now, The curse of the new scope strikes again...

Thanks Dave - sorry about the clouds :)

I've had about an hours clear observing with it - not enough time for the optics to cool down properly really and plagued by moonlight but I did manage to have a quick look at a few favourites - I've posted a report here:


Just enough to hint at the potential of the scope !.


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