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NEOWISE and NLC over Bristol

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Set my alarm for 1.30 this morning, drove out into the mendips and dragged by backside and gear up to the highest point, Black Down Hill for panoramic views over Bristol.  The beautiful comet and NLC display made it very worth it! 

Comet was easily naked eye and filled the FoV of my 8x50 bins. 

Pics with 1200d and Sigma 18-200mm.


IMG_6606_ 8secs_f4_iso1600_38mm.png

NEOWISE 200mm_23x4secs_f6.3_iso6400.png


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Great shots :thumbright:

I had the same view but from my garden at Portishead and over some rooftops. I was packing up when the NLC's appeared. Great end to a superb night of astronomy.


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It was my final view of the comet last night too.  I was a little disappointed that I didn't have a camera set up, but it was about 3am and I was quite tired anyhow so I didn't have the energy to organise anything.

Well done to all those who did get a photo though.  It was an outstanding view.


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