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SynScan & SkySafari Beta Testing

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It appears the latest version of skysafari now has SkySafari synscanlink as a mount option! Not had a chance to test it though, only looked as someone complained they’d not been added to the  beta programme. 


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That was probably me!😉 However I’m still not clear whether I can operate my AZ Gti with one iOS device running both Sky Safari and the Synscan app and I thought that was the point of the beta. I still need to use both my iPhone running one app and iPad running the other. 

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Was a Rob... I deleted the previous beta programme and they didn’t seem to get round to reinviting me.... 

I tried indoors for a few mins with my iPad.  You neEd to ios connect to the mount wifi, then connecting from inside skysafari hurls you over to synscan to connect to the mount which then hurls you back to skysafari.... Where you can move, align etc...
My iPad kept wanting to reconnect to my Router, so I didn’t dig deeper. 
One issue I have with using a phone app for moving the scope is knowing where the arrows are in the dark or not looking at them. If I had access to the 3D printers I’d make myself a screen mask with holes in it so I could feel my way round.




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  • 4 weeks later...

I’ve just seen this topic. Given it’s been years in development I had basically given up on using my iPhone only with my az gti and sky safari in WiFi mode.

However, I was out last night and decided to give the synscanlink setting a try with my iPhone. And it worked perfectly! I set up alignment with SynScan as normal, then opened SkySafari and connected to the scope and that was it. Great result!

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