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Solarscope SF70DS arrived

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4 hours ago, Highburymark said:

Think that might only be the single stack version you’ve highlighted there Peter. The DS is another $20,000!! 
Goodness knows what it costs in Europe.

The EU price is “.slightly more”.

if I was in the market for another solar Scope (I am not) I’d probably look to get a modular one that could do Whitelight and calcium too, though of course you couldn’t observe the different wavelengths at the same time, but it would take up less cupboard space.



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3 hours ago, PeterW said:

The EU price is “.slightly more”.

if I was in the market for another solar Scope (I am not) I’d probably look to get a modular one that could do Whitelight and calcium too, though of course you couldn’t observe the different wavelengths at the same time, but it would take up less cupboard space.



The Coronado SMIII modular scopes are achromats I believe, while Lunt is using EDs for its new modular range - yet to be launched in Europe. So I suppose if you only want to use the parent scope for Ha, white light and calcium, the Coronados would be fine, but if you also want a semi apo for night astronomy you’d go for a Lunt. 

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Wasn’t expecting any viewing time this morning, but had 30 minutes of reasonably clear skies, so set up the scope. Gong showing a lovely snaking filament emerging from the main active region. The view through the eyepiece was simply jaw dropping - the dark grey filament sharply contrasted against the background active region, but full of detail - like an egg white floating in hot water. Started at 30x and went up to around 75x with no loss of sharpness. Just wow - and still have to get binoviewer to focus - 2.6x Baader GPC on order.

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4 minutes ago, Highburymark said:

Wasn’t expecting any viewing time this morning, but had 30 minutes of reasonably clear skies, so set up the scope. Gong showing a lovely snaking filament emerging from the main active region. The view through the eyepiece was simply jaw dropping - the dark grey filament sharply contrasted against the background active region, but full of detail - like an egg white floating in hot water. Started at 30x and went up to around 75x with no loss of sharpness. Just wow - and still have to get binoviewer to focus - 2.6x Baader GPC on order.

Fantastic! From the views I had through Helen’s single stack I’m not surprised you are delighted. Outside a solarmax 90 double stack it was the best Ha image I’ve seen, and it beat the SM90 in terms of consistency across the view. Lovely!

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  • 1 month later...


Thank you for posting this. And I’m delighted that it’s giving you great results.

After seeing your success, I’ve copied you! My double stack 70mm Solarscope filters arrived today. Here they are mounted to my tv76 and next to my double stack Lunt. The skywatcher solarquest copes with the heavier load fine which is good news..now I just need some sun.




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3 hours ago, GavStar said:


Thank you for posting this. And I’m delighted that it’s giving you great results.

After seeing your success, I’ve copied you! My double stack 70mm Solarscope filters arrived today. Here they are mounted to my tv76 and next to my double stack Lunt. The skywatcher solarquest copes with the heavier load fine which is good news..now I just need some sun.




Superb Gavin! Fits the TV76 beautifully. Will take a couple of sessions to find best tuning positions with the DS etalon. Binoviewers then take performance to the next level. Started expecting 32mm Plossls to be my workhorse EPs at 49x, but image still sharp at 85x with Delites 18.2mm and over 100x with 15mm Plossls. Need to be in total darkness at these magnifications so bought reflecting cover which also keeps me cool


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