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New sunspot

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So charged out between clouds and showers, set up fast and some WL on Sol.

Wow, it really is 3 or perhaps 4 spots going on, so glad I managed a look rather than proper observe.
Lunt Wedge, Continuum Filter.
Nice in the 12.5mm Ultima, bit over egged in the 5mm Tak LE (it had to be done).


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So just had a quick set up before the rain arrives.Β WL on Sol.

Evolved from a definiteΒ 3 with a perhaps 4 spots going on yesterday.
To a definite 4, one of the smaller 3 has split.
Also 2 smaller arrivals lower.

Grab a look if you can,very windy here though.

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Managed a very quick look before clouds rushed in with the APM 80 mm F/6, Lunt Herschel wedge, solar continuum filter, and Vixen SLV 5 mm. This is a nicely complex group of at least four spots by now, with one or two pores, and one ofthe spots showing an umbra split in two, and some nice faculae. Couldn't do any imaging, but this is the nicest view in white light I have seen in a while on the sun

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Looking good through the haze this morning. It has developed even more. OneΒ large spot with umbrellas and penumbral region, showing lovely petal like detail in the penumbra when the seeing steadies. There is a tiny spot just on the edge of the penumbra.

Then there are four other small spots in a rough rectangular arrangement, two of which are a little larger and with some structure toΒ them. Between these there are also some much smaller pores. There is also a pore further away below left of the main spot.

Looking at the satellite images, I suspect I am done for the day, didn’t think I would get to see anything so that short session was a bonus.

This is a screenshot of a web image which shows the basic layout, I could see plentyΒ more detail through the scope.


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Another quick look and the seeing has improved a bit. Three little pores in the penumbra now. The two larger spots in the rectangle are split in two themselves, and there are three little pores between the end two. Quite a lot going on! Granulation coming through now too. I rebalanced the focus in my binoviewer and that really does help with the detail.

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36 minutes ago, Stu said:

.... The two larger spots in the rectangle are split in two themselves....

I thought that was the case when I was observing them. Good to have it confirmed :smiley:

Cloud has thickened here so no more observing just now :rolleyes2:

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I am hoping it will clear for a short while to allow a quick look. I have set up the Skywatcher 150P complete with front solar filter + IR/UV filter in the focuser + Baader 0.9 neutral density screwed into a Celestron Ultima Duo 10mm EP. If the cloud ever clears I will give it ago.

Yesterday I had a good view in Ha with lots of Plage, a good Filament plus some Proms. So White Light today.

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Had a very quick look in between racing cloud cover. As stated there is the main sunspot showing umbra and preumbra nice and sharp. Plus the 4 smaller spots although had difficulty getting a longer look to see anything else. The best view was using the Baader 10mm Classic Ortho with the 1.3x bottom part of the Baader barlow mag - 97x.

Totally clouded out at the moment but scope left out just in case.

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Excellent in binos (white light) and mono in Ha around 95x. In white light there are a lot of tiny pores invisible on the screenshots, and plage in Ha still there. Finally a nice filament, too.

Too bad the Sun is clearing buildings on the east only around 9 and by that time is it already fairly high and the thermals are starting.

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Had a few looks in WL today, looking nice still though less going on than before. Some nice little pores around and lovely area of faculae surround the AR. Seeing is quite variable but detail there in the AR when it settles. Might pop the PST Mod out too in a minute.

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Ha looking good too. Some nice proms around, and the AR is showing some very nice detail. Place as has been mentioned and what I assume is a filament to the left in PST view. I wish the Herschel Wedge and PST presented their views in the same orientation, it would make comparison of Ha and white light features so much easier. I wonder if a stage 2 mod does this?

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42 minutes ago, Alan White said:

Just had a grab look see before we cloud up, but who knows weather wise at present.

Still observable in WL, and things to sit and observe, poor seeing this morning, fingers crossed for a bit later.

Just done likewise Alan. Less to see today, but the umbra seems to be divided into three, two larger and one smaller area. Needs the seeing to steady to see it though, as you says it’s quite wobbly today. Hazy cloud going across too which can help with surface detail in Ha but not in white light.

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