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Hi just joined complete beginner , so probably drive you all daft..  :)  I have  jus got a Celestron astromaster 130. Have had mixed success. Set it up with not to much trouble. Think I need more eye pieces have a 20mm 10mm, which is fine for the moon but picking out other planets would it be worth getting a 6mm. Also would like to take some photos but would like some advice on that as well please.... TIA    

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Hi by all means it’s worth at some point changing the eyepieces anyway as the stock ones are ok to get you started with  and would be a very worthy upgrade and will notice an dramatic difference regarding quality.your 10mm gives you around 65x magnification and if you invested in a 6mm also will give you 108x there will be a worthwhile useing for the moon I would say however on the planets will not be a big enough jump from your 10mm eyepiece.as an alternative it maybe worth while investing in a 2x Barlow lens also as in long run will work out cheaper I’ve given exsample below of your existing eyepieces and the 6mm you mentioned please note tho 225x will most probably be at the upper limit of your scope is capable of in good seeing conditions.

Focal length of scope is 650mm

20mm =32x  with x2 Barlow =64x

10mm = 65x with x2 Barlow =130x

6mm = 108x with x2 Barlow = 216

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