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What astro jobs will you be doing over the summer?


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I've got a few bits planned:

1/ I am setting up a base project in PixInsight with various processes set up for each step so I can just follow through a consistent workflow.  I have even set up specific instances for integration with different numbers of subs - screenshot below.  This will go hand in hand with spending some time fiddling and learning the software with meagre bits of data I acquired this year so far and trying to get more from it.

2/ Spend some time expanding my darks library.  I want at least 20 subs for each filter at various the exposure times I am likely to use in the future.

3/ I have a raspberry pi 4 coming today so will spend some time fiddling with Indi / Astroberry and will see how reliable it is.  would prefer to leave a Pi out with my scope than my laptop it also helps with my ultimate aim of getting a portable set-up going.  At the moment I am somewhat reliant on mains power - a relatively straightforward fix I know but just need to get everything together.  Of course if I don't like Indi and associated packages.

4/ Whilst a permanent pier is out of the question I at least want to put some form of indentations/ marks on the patio so I can quickly put my tripod up and know that it is aligned North.  Needs to be wife friendly though so have to think about the best way to do that.

5/ If life returns to some semblance of normality I want to get my scope over to Germany to have the lens cell properly cleaned of the light fungus - ain't risking that as things stand though.

6/ If only I could find the Polemaster I bought a couple of years ago, put somewhere and haven't seen since - a house move in-between hasn't helped.  I know you can use Sharpcap et al but I have a Polemaster somewhere so would quite like to use it!

7/ Wouldn't mine practicing so close in lunar imaging so will try my hand at that too.


Edited by dannybgoode
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The main astro job for the summer will be getting as much done on the obsy as possible, getting cladding delivered being the main hitch.

Commissioning the DDM85 / ODK12 / G3 16200 is something I hope to be able to do while waiting for building materials. As I have a big TG cover I should be able to run it even with the obsy half built.

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1 hour ago, Gina said:

I have some upgrades to do on the obsy and also more on the Ha solar scope and imaging setup.

Would love a solar scope but sadly funds do not permit at the moment.  Be great to use over the summer :) 

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