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The seeing has improved here and so I've set up the Lunt on my Vixen GP with binoviewers.

Whilst the new area is quite subtle in WL, there is loads of activity around the new spot in H-alpha with lots of bright areas comprising at least two crescent shaped areas and a filament when I looked at 15:00. 

By comparison, AR2760 is fairly dim with only one bright crescent shaped area.

I've attached my pretty poor sketch, I could never be described as an artist and looking at it now I can see that the active areas are massively oversized so you have been warned.


The bright areas are those surrounded by a pencil line but not shaded in.  The dark features obviously speak for themselves.

Hope the sketch clarifies my verbal description.


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1 minute ago, John said:

Nice sketch Ade.

Just a bit too cloudy here to make observing worthwhile unfortunately.

Thanks John,

Like I said, I'm no artist, but as long as it looks approximately like what I'm seeing, it serves as a reminder for the grey cells.

There is quite a large, but very faint prom at about 1 O'Clock that sort of looks like a tree in outline, but its just beyond what I can properly make out even adjusting the tuning doesn't improve it.

Need to find my observing hood, or a towel, to cut out some light and see if I can get a better look.


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9 minutes ago, Mark at Beaufort said:

Still cloudy in Hereford but the sky is getting brighter so hopefully I might get a view in Ha. Nice sketch Ade.

I hope it improves for you Mark, it started out with 100% cloud cover here this morning, then started breaking up just before lunch, but pretty abysmal seeing, then improved steadily from 15:00.

1 minute ago, Stu said:

Same here John 😔

Sorry to hear that Stu, as above I've been very fortunate here today, was not expecting to be observing for a couple of days based on the forecast.  ClearOutside is red across the board for Bournemouth and MetOffice shows patchy cloud, but currently I have a pretty clear sky from about 10 degrees upwards in all directions, though there is some thin high cloud up there.

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Update - I can see the Sun through thin cloud and using the PST I can detect Plage in the position of AR2760. In addition there is another area of Plage higher than the Sunspot (Newt view). The cloud is knocking out any sight of Proms. If it improves I will bring the Double Stack to get better surface detail.

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Got a brief break in the cloud just after tea so managed a quick look. Managed to see the two AR’s though drifting cloud was a problem. A couple of nice moments of clarity where some nice detail could be seen. Friday marks one year since I got my white light setup. I think this is the first time I’ve seen two AR’s at the same time. Really looking forward to cycle 25 properly getting going.

Thanks for the heads up, Mark! 

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Was thinking about setting up now it's stopped chucking it down after BBC Radio Kent told me it would be dry with sunny periods 😂

Looks like a bit of HA activity in what's left of the AR and a couple of nice prom's on GONG.


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8 minutes ago, Stu said:

Had a look in WL today and it all seems to have disappeared, apart from a nice patch of faculae on the limb.

Yes, I saw that earlier today. I was half expecting a small amount of spot activity from the Solar Monitor images early this morning. The faculae area was pretty bright and nicely defined though.


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19 minutes ago, Alan White said:

How did anyone get to look at anything, I have been under cloud all day.

Its been very mixed here but there have been some nice patches of sunshine.


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Its been quite sunny for the last hour so I took out the PST +DS and the 150P for WL.

In Ha AR2762 and AR2760 are quite bright and there are a few Proms. One of these Proms appears to have some lift off.

I switch to WL with a mag of 75X and AR2762 is showing some nice faculae. I could not see any activity on AR2760 or AR2763.


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16 minutes ago, Mark at Beaufort said:

Its been quite sunny for the last hour so I took out the PST +DS and the 150P for WL.

In Ha AR2762 and AR2760 are quite bright and there are a few Proms. One of these Proms appears to have some lift off.

I switch to WL with a mag of 75X and AR2762 is showing some nice faculae. I could not see any activity on AR2760 or AR2763.


Thanks Mark, that confirms what I saw ie nothing! Might have to pop the PST mod out at the weekend.

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