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Single board computer lattepanda

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Been getting help from old stash, setting up raspberry pi4 4gb for astronomy,, he had the patience of a Saint, 

We got there in the end, I used the astroberry operating system put together by radek,,  Linux just isn't my thing lol, 

The astroberry system has software such as k stars/ekos, cdc/ccdciel, oacapture, hnsky an few more,, I tried combinations of the software and found it wasn't what I wanted,,        the concept of remote desktop, from a small,, single board computer did interest me for a portable grab n go kit,, I could sit in my car and keep warm and control my kit via WiFi on a laptop 

Came across the lattepanda,, not much bigger than the raspberry pi 4 4gb, but it's operating system is windows 10. 

I could have went for the flagship Alpha model,, but the idea was to try the entry level panda and see what could be achieved with it, I bought mine with Windows 10 installed from the pi hut,,  £118 and was delivered within two days to Scotland,, 

The WiFi ariel is not fitted to the board,, but just a push in fit,, not easy when you have hands like shovels. 

Power was supplied via a phone charger b type plug, it takes full size hdmi cable, and I fitted a Bluetooth dingle to use mini keyboard /touch pad to set it up. 

This was very easy to do, soon on to downloading Software I wanted to use, CdC, went in no problem, Ascom didn't,, I net frame work was missing,, on the panda windows,, type in,,, enable windows features,, then when next screen appears, tick,, framework box and continue,, windows will search and update the system,,  Ascom installed fine after that. 

Eqmod installed no problem, installed hitecastro dc focuser, easy again,, backyard eos Pro and sharpcap Pro installed OK. 

This all went pretty easily,, testing,, 

Got it working my heq5, focuser,, initially tested backyard eos and my Canon 600d,, set up focus control ect. 

Installed tight vnc and yet Again easily done,, I now had it connected remotely to my laptop via my smartphone hot-spot. 

Absolutely loving it,, so much easier than setting up the raspberry pi. 

Next up was testing my zwo asi178 mc on sharpcap Pro,, camera not recognised,, soon pinpointed that the zwo driver was not installed,, downloaded this and the Ascom driver just to be shure I had it,, I also got the asi studio suggested the other day. 

Tried this out camera connected no problem and worked on remote desktop 

Sharpcap recognised the camera as well,, working great on remote desktop 

I installed tight vnc on to my linx 10" Windows tablet,, put in the panda IP address,, I now had a TV plugged into the panda at the mount, a Toshiba laptop and a tablet on remote desktop and both had control over the panda,, absolutely brilliant,, the vnc is also available on android and other os, 

This would be great for outreach. 

I've only installed software that I want to use,, internal memory I still have 12 gb free. 

My next plan is to incorporate this system to my azgti,,  problem I found having set up the panda to my laptop via my phone hot-spot,, I could not connect to the azgti mount, it was either,, WiFi or hot spot on the phone,, I tried this using the raspberry pi.. 

Had a think about it and, I believe the  easy solution to my problem is fitting the azgti cable,, I've ordered from FLO, attach this to the panda,, install azgti Ascom driver, then I should be able to control mount with ccdc,,.. Will find out if I'm right in a few days,,  should then have a portable kit I can control via remote desktop in my warm car in the winter. 


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Hi Davy,


Just to add some extra info - the cost of £118 does not include a case/fan as is only using EMMC type "disc".

A little  thing but people have to know what the extra costs are for comparison with other Window's Mini box's out there.

The Windows version appears to be 32bit Home version so it is limited to 3.5gb main RAM and hence the reason for Davy to have to resort to Tightvnc - which to LattePanda's credit they documented on their site.

Its not a negative ,more options the better, but please don't believe you can run everything including stacking on something like this (with any decent response).

But as an option for "in the field" grab and go it does look useful for users used to only Windows AND also a kick in the backside of "Open Source RPI" Astro providers to make their offerings a lot simpler. Maybe ASI have already but at £300 for a PI , some nice front end software (still uses Indi as far as I am aware) dont know IMO.

I am sure Davy will keep us informed on his progress and help others wanting to do the same without going down "Blind alleys" .

Thank you Davy for the Info. 

P.S Davy will probably get the Alpha version next - when we can compare it to the other options available like NUC I7. LOL

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Hi stash,, was knackered writing all that,, 

Yes the case is expensive, £31 on ebay from Sweden,, at least it's metal,, I'm in communication wae lattepanda and keeping them abreast of my findings,, 

I deliberately got the lowest spec panda on the market,, I could have got the alpha,, but then we would all expect it to do the business,, this is the benchmark,, and it works,, and stash is obviously correct stacking will either be slow or non existing,,, but if you look at the bigger picture,, this is the test piece,, folk can say hey I don't need live stacking and basic set up will do me,,   I get to use all my Windows astronomy software,, I' don't need a second laptop for outdoors at the mount, it's workable,, I'm unsure on price of the zwo asiair Pro,, but even if you paid the same amount for a better model of panda,, you should in theory have a more adaptable set up on Windows,, than zwo operating system,, I'm with stash in this,, its based around the raspberry pi 4 4gb, and good chance its Linux based,, 

Lattepanda had no idea the panda could be used in amateur astronomy,, so hopefully can have some input with them and give them ideas,, of course there isn't any money in it,, just n open door for us to talk about what would be useful,, they are a small young company who started from kickstarter,, so initially costs will be high,, but this can change hopefully if it get popular in astronomy. 


And of course I will save up for the alpha,, I'm convinced it's a winner 

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