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4 minutes ago, Anthony1979 said:

How do i do that 

Create a free account with DropBox - put the files in the DropBox folder - share the folder and post the link in this thread.


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On 30/01/2020 at 22:24, Anthony1979 said:

Tried to process my image again..... just cant get the hang of it


You'll get lots of helpful advice here - but if you post some more details it will help folk know what you should be expecting. EG Mount, scope, camera, if guided, how many exposures, and what software you're trying to process with. Anyhow, it looks like a good start - you're on the right tracks!

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Ive actually tried to put my tiff file on but it kept coming up as a error.....


skywatcher 150p, nikon d3500 unmodded ( i have a D40 aswell) 

EQ-5 with Enhanced motors 

No guiding.... Stacked in dss and processed using GIMP 2.10

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16 hours ago, Anthony1979 said:

Ive actually tried to put my tiff file on but it kept coming up as a error.....


skywatcher 150p, nikon d3500 unmodded ( i have a D40 aswell) 

EQ-5 with Enhanced motors 

No guiding.... Stacked in dss and processed using GIMP 2.10

Ok that's a good set-up. Few things to think about.  Use raw NEF files if possible rather than JPEGs - to be safe set camera to take both if possible but I think DSS will will run nef files.

If you aren't guiding then when use higher iSO, maybe 1600. the exposures may look grainy but you can shorten the exposure time and take more of them. The noise will come out in the stack.

Don't forget calibration files, especially darks and bias, ideally flats too. Maybe you're already doing all that!

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36 minutes ago, Anthony1979 said:

Thanks... I always use raw files.... So i need to raise the iso and shorten the exposures to like 20 sec

If you can see any trails at all then shorten the exposures and up the ISO - but if your tracking and polar alignment is good ie your stars are nice and round, then just do more of the same. Have you done calibration files too, ie darks and bias and flats?

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