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Lunt LS50 vs LS60.


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I would like to know your opinion on whether there is much difference,in visual image, not photographic, between the model Lunt LS50 THa Pressure tunner and the model Lunt LS60 THa Tild tunner, both with the BF600... on paper they are only 10mm apart although I have not had the opportunity to use any of them, years ago I used a Coronado PST 40 and the image seemed dark, without apparent details and not too much contrast..
I thank you in advance for your opinions.

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Sorry, can’t give you a straight comparison. Of the Lunts I know only the tilt-tuned 60 with 1200BF.

But I used to have a Coronado 40 and can assure you that the Lunt 60 gives better views. 🤗

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The main benefit of moving up to an LS60 from an LS50 (most of my experience is with double stacked scopes) is the ability to resolve finer detail, and keep views sharp at higher magnifications. Although an aperture jump of  10mm doesn’t sound much, it allows you to take proms up to about 70x in good seeing, whereas 50x was about maximum with the LS50.

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Also dont even bother bf600 spend bit more and get the 1200

Bf5 or bf6 is like looking through a pin hole.

F10 or bf1200 is min u should get

My first scope was the Coronado 40mm solar max with bf5

Then solarnax 60 with f10 then the solarmax 11 double stacked with f10.

I'm 99% sure I'm buying the solar max 111 90mm with bf15

I also say get the 60 over 50 as well

Funny thing I just made a video for my solarnax11 60mm last night .

I'll post the link 



Edited by joe aguiar
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24 minutes ago, Merlin66 said:

i forgot to put the one iam going to get was the 90mm solarmax111 i didnt put the 90mm is last post i just edited

well meade has the 70mm solarmax111 with bf10 or bf15 at almost $800 to $900 off right now so for the same money as the LS50 or 60 you can get the solarmax111 70 scope then up to this level is big difference


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ok last thing is several years ago when the lunt first came out i tested my coronado solarmax 60 (this is the one right after the 40mm version i said on my first post ) (BUT i have to make a disclaimer tho here that coronado was the oringinal made in arizona model with the dot on the center of the filter) against the lunt 60 so same size. The lunt was at .75A mine was .70A BUt i also dont know what BF model he had the 600 or 1200, but shouldnt matter its just the size of the filter it doesnt make it better just easier to look through.

Anyway the lunt was also back then the tilt version not the newer pressure tunner verion BUT the coronado was cleaner crisper and brighter i would say by 20% on THE SAME flares in case someone was gonna ask.

Iam not saying coronado is beter than lunt and both companies have different models different focusers etc BUT at that time i saw a diffrence and i cant say maybe the oringinal arizona models are better then now meades coronados.

i do have the  coronado11 and like i said will be getting 99% sure sure while this sale is on the 90mm 111 version.

The new version has rings and bar where i think is better then the clamp aslo the clamp u had to buy an add on vixen bar to fit on most scope.

I also can recommend after using the oringinal and the type 11 and now the type 111 than i like the tilt tuner of the oringinal and type 111 models over the solarmax11 INTERNAL tilt tuner. its just easier to tilt BUT the internal tilt has a lot more tilt to it tho. Not the mention the coronado finally put a decent focuser on the newest type 111 model so i would just get that one

hope that helps


Edited by joe aguiar
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At this level, small changes in aperture make a big difference. I went from a Lunt LS35 to Coronado SolarMax-II 60mm, and then got a Solar Spectrum filter to use in combination with a Beloptik Tri-Band ERF on my 80mm (stopped down to 75). I made a comparison image, which says a lot about the difference.


Click for full size. I am thinking of selling the Coronado (now with BF15 and double-stack unit), because I don't quite like the central obstruction, especially at lower magnification. Note that for imaging, I never got it to work properly with my PowerMate, without weird internal reflections causing trouble, hence the middle image is not quite to the scale possible with the 60 mm

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On 04/01/2020 at 12:05, tico said:

, years ago I used a Coronado PST 40 and the image seemed dark, without apparent details and not too much contrast..


tico remember the pst is at 1.0A and the sweet spot in the ep is like half the fov in the ep, that's y as my 1st reply says I went directly to the solarmax 40mm. yes it costs more but its a better solar scope if you can afford it. The same goes for the lunt35 its a starter scope.

The coronados are at .70A

lunts .75

iam talking about single stacked

BUT the pst is kinda cheap so its an entry level HA scope, kinda like getting a 6o or 70mm acro its a start into the hobby. In my videos I say the 80mm should be a min if someone getting into the hobby IF you can afford it, well if you cant then sure get that 60 or 70mm get some views in , see some stuff and later upgrade.


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I started solar observing with a coronado Pst, it was difficult to get focus plus imaging was difficult too because of the focuser.  I then went to the lunt 35mm which seemed to have better disk features and better focus. Last year I went for a lunt 60mm and then doublestack this year. Don't have experience of the 50mm. One thing to keep in mind is that it's much cheaper to double stack a 50mm lunt than the 60mm. 60mm doublestack filter is astronomical in price compared to the 50mm. The only down size is a dimmer image and also limiting magnification.  Also you'd need a cover over your scope and head to see a better contrast.  So really as with all scopes the biggest is better as far as light gathering and resolution. If I could afford it I would go for an 80mm double stack, lol, but I'm satisfied with my lunt 60mm double stack (pressure tuned). Picking up second hand is a good choice and you'd get a double stack for the same price as a single stack. 




Edited by Nigella Bryant
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