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Everything posted by tico

  1. Hello, I currently use a SW Mak 127 and I would like a binoviewer for the Moon, Planets and something else... Has anyone used one with this Maksutov, what type of binoviewer? Thank you Tico
  2. Hello, I have a small H-alpha solar telescope, it is a Lunt 40mm/600, and I would like to use a binoviewer to use with it, has anyone used any of these accessories in H-alpha observation? Thank you Tico
  3. Congratulation!! Fuerteventura is way!! A fantastic island with a good sky... Fuertevidorra!! Cheers, Tico
  4. The SKy-Watcher 127 Mak doesn't have an SCT fitting so an extra adapter would be required. thanks Tico
  5. Hello again, Thanks for all your opinions. If I stayed with the 1.25" option (star diagonal and eyepieces), what options would I have? Since the visual back that comes standard with the Mak is very weak... is there a more robust accessory or piece that provides greater stability to the back of the telescope? Thanks again. Tico
  6. Thank you. It has already seen its first light, although without the red dot finder installed, I was able to see with the ep. of 25mm WA the asterisk called ET in Cassiopeia, right in the field of vision but it entered, very nice... the eps. and the star diagonal look very plastic and weak... the screwed visual back looks a bit weak to properly hold the standard 1. 25" star diagonal, and this one is very light.. Any ideas to change this? Something more robust? Or if you change to 2", what adapter would be appropriate? Thanks again. Tico.
  7. Hello, No, I ended up buying another type of telescope...! Thank you Tico
  8. Hello, I just bought a SW Mak 127. It comes with a 1.25" diagonal star, 2 ep., red dot finder. In your opinion, would I need any other essential accessories for this telescope? Thank you. Tico.
  9. Hello, I just watched a video about the SW ED72 and Wow! How small it seems... the man put it on a photography tripod and it seemed very light... Does anyone use it visually for day and night? cheers Tico
  10. Hello, Thinking of a 4" refractor, perhaps the Skywatcher 4" F/9 model or perhaps the 4" F/7 model..., possibly the latter is shorter and more manageable, and with less weight... although less corrected ...?? All this to ask you, how would they work with a manual AZ mount? Anyone with this experience? Thank you. Tico
  11. Hello, I am looking for a small refractor, very handy and with very little weight to use as a spotting scope during the day, some bird watching, airplanes in the distance and at night casual astronomy, say the Moon, Jupiter and Saturn, some double stars and wide field in open clusters... in short something versatile and very very manageable... (I already have a good tripod to support it.).. but with a minimum of optical and mechanical quality... What is your opinion of the StellaMira 66 mm ED Doublet f/6..??? kind regards Tico
  12. But there is some different models, with FPL51/53/triplet lens.. (And prices..) I like one for visual only, grab and go refractor, with azimutal mount..
  13. Hello, Does anyone know if the ED80/500 Orion EON refractors, Omegon with the same specifications, and Levenhuk RA ED80/500, (including the Equinox model), are the same telescope? They are all Long Pern refractors? Do they mount the same type of lens? FPL51 or FPL53? Within the same model there are those with carbon fiber and aluminum tubes... any advantages of one in relation to the other? thank you Paul
  14. How is the CA in this 60CB? In the Moon/planets or terrestrial observations?
  15. What telescopes similar in quality and uses but at a lower price could be compared to the FS 60CB? Has anyone been able to compare?
  16. hello, I always liked wide views of the sky, especially the Milky Way in summer, they seem very aesthetic to me, without high magnifications of any object in particular. What would you choose for this type of observations? - some wide field binoculars... or - a small refractor with a wide angle eyepiece? Thank you. Tico
  17. I have read a comment in which it is said that comparing a WO 61mm with a SW 72ED... the first was far above the SW...
  18. Hi, There is a versión of the SW Mak 127 with a star diagonal 2" and a 2" Eyepiece.. Anyone have used this versión? Some advantage on the 1.25" Versión? Thanks, Tico
  19. Hello, Does anyone have this refractor? Do you know its weight and length? I have a robust photographic tripod to use for terrestrial observation, by the way, does it have a lot of C.Aberration? And for lunar stars, planets and bright Messier, how about? I don't want it for astrophotography. Just as a grab and go telescope... and put it (if possible) on a Nexstar SE 6/8 mount. I forgot, how does it work better... with a 1.25" or 2" diagonal mirror? thank you so much Tico
  20. Maybe the DX5" SCT more stable? In the SS explorer mount...?
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