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Difference between a PM and a Profile message

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Hi all

We've seen an increase in members using the Profile message comments in order to contact another member, and while it may be obvious to some, I thought I would just point out the difference here.....

  • Private (Direct) Message - As it's name suggests, this is a private message between you and the other party. No-one else can see this message
  • Profile Message - This is displayed on the right hand side of the main index, and is visible to all.

We're not saying that you should use one over the other - it's your choice - but not everyone has the Profile notification setting switched on, but most will have the PM notification switched on,

Just be aware of posting things like contact details when using the Profile Message! If you're happy using this, no problem at all.

Just wanted everyone to be clear on the two...


Clear skies!


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Sorry Daz, I can't see anything called Profile message.

There is the little "voice bubble" labelled message if you put the cursor on it (above the twitter symbol) on the home page, so I presume that is private.

I presume what you mean as profile message is the message button when you click on a members name and it's a button marked message on there.  I had no idea this wasn't private, I just thought it was an alternative way of sending a message.


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Thanks yes I could see that one was a public message. 

So am I right then that this one is a private message?

Sorry should have done a better colour than yellow.



SGL message.jpg

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On 01/12/2019 at 19:39, Ruud said:

Yes Carole, your yellow arrow points to the private message button. Such a message can only be read by you, the addressees and the moderators (I assume). 

The moderators can't read private messages, unless for some reason you need to report the message to us.

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On 07/12/2019 at 16:51, LukeSkywatcher said:

Cant say ive ever noticed "Public Profile Message" before.

I have and because it said 'public' I had...err..........just assumed (correctly!) that 'public' meant a message that could be seen be everyone.  The other message button obviously being a private message.  However, I've never sent messages from within someone else's profile I just usually click the double speach bubble icon at the top left of a standard browsing page which quite clearly drops me into private messaging territory.  

TBH I've never seen point in these personal profile feeds, I can't see what they are for or why anyone would want to use them so profile messages that can be seen by all are a bit of an anathema to me since I'd need to visit everyone's profile to see them and I can't see that's how a bulletin board like SGL is supposed to work.  Hence I'm a bit baffled by it all, but I do know that my messages go privately when I send one.

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