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Camera for my FSQ85


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I want another camera/FW/OAG for my FSQ85 (that may at some point be upgraded to a 106).  I'm thinking of a CMOS mono camera with a decent sized chip.  Must be 1.25" filters. Could hang out for a used QSI 683 but I feel CMOS is now the way to go.

What say the SGL Oracle please?


Edited by kirkster501
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What do you intend to image Steve? Based on my experiences with both an asi1600 and a kaf16200 based camera I'd say the asi1600 or qhy equivalent for narrowband  and a kaf 8300 based camera for lrgb. Be aware that with brightish stars the asi1600 will likely show microlensing..  a bit of a faff but maybe get an asi1600 and swap cameras with your wide field rig depending on what you are imaging..  However  if you're planning on getting an FSQ106 then you'll need a full frame camera and there's mono full frame cmos on the way from ZWO and QHY..  if you're not going to get a full frame camera save a bundle and get an Esprit 100 


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Two thoughts:

1) if you're going to swap to a 106 much of the extra cost will go into giving you a corrected circle your new camera cannot exploit. Surely this would be a waste, though there is no way past it if you sstick with 1.25 filters which are on their limit with the APSc chip anyway. So what would you hope to gain with the 106? With the small pixels of a CMOS camera you won't be short of resolution in the 85, you'll have a wider FOV and a better telescope. See point 2.

2) The ED 106 can be a bit of a devil, quite apart from the QC issues which have plagued all FSQ modelss of late. It is terribly prone to temperature-induced focus drift. Your 85 and our 106N Fluorites are better in this respect.

I would only change to a 106, myself, if I were also going to go to full frame or larger, like the 35x35 Kodak, but then you need even bigger filters, the square ones.

An APSc CMOS in the Baby Q would be great, I suspect and, for me, preferable to the same camera in a 106ED. We already know that the QSI683 works sweetly in the Baby Q.


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I’d definitely keep to an ape-c sensor using 1.25” filters. 

I was using my fsq 85 with 2” filters and 36mm sensor until recently. The results are very pleasing although I do have to crop 10-15%. I’m planning to use my fsq 85 with a new zwo 071 and use a new large format camera with my fsq 106. 

Image is from 36mm sensor and 10-15% crop using 2” filter. 


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Food for thought guys.  Many thanks.  And thanks for the FSQ narrative Olly; yes, very true.  2" filters are out of the question.

This is my imaging setup at the minute:

1.  TEC140 > Atik460/EFW2 Astrodon 1.25" LRGBHaOIII.  On MESU (with Meade 14" but lets forget that for this discussion).  Observatory permanently based.  Works brilliantly and I am not touching it.

2.  Widefield > Moravian G2-8300, Samyang 135mm, Astrodon LRGBHa 31mm.  All on a modded NEQ6.   I love this portable setup and really like widefield nebula work.   I can have rig running inside ten minutes from startup. 

The cameras now belong with the two above rigs and when it is clear I am always imaging with them.

3.  My FSQ85 does not have a camera.  I already have the 1.25 filters that are a mix of Baader and Astronomik.  .  I am in no rush to do this and so I may wait for a QSI 583/683 to come up or maybe experiment with a CMOS camera.   i even liked the Atik460 on the FSQ85.  I am clueless really on the CMOS variants so was looking for some thoughts in that department.

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  • 7 months later...

Holy thread revival.....

I'm still looking into this guys and have some bonus this month.    What would be a good choice cooled CMOS mono camera for the FSQ85 please???   Full frame would be too big for the FSQ85 imaging circle I think so APS-C?  The choice is mind boggling!  I'd need to get filters for it as well plus the FW.  QHY have 36mm unmounted option and that is attractive since they are not too much more than the 1.25.

I was thinking QHY163m since a lot of people have had good success with that.  But i think it would not do the FSQ85 justice....

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30 minutes ago, kirkster501 said:

Holy thread revival.....

I'm still looking into this guys and have some bonus this month.    What would be a good choice cooled CMOS mono camera for the FSQ85 please???   Full frame would be too big for the FSQ85 imaging circle I think so APS-C?  The choice is mind boggling!  I'd need to get filters for it as well plus the FW.  QHY have 36mm unmounted option and that is attractive since they are not too much more than the 1.25.

I was thinking QHY163m since a lot of people have had good success with that.  But i think it would not do the FSQ85 justice....

Atik 16200, but to be honest get the asi6200mm and if the corners are poor..crop them off. 

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52 minutes ago, Adam J said:

Atik 16200, but to be honest get the asi6200mm and if the corners are poor..crop them off. 

Thanks but I don't want another CCD (unless a QSI 683 became available and they never do) and the ASI6200 is much too expensive and I'm not prepared to send that much.

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Unfortunately there's no Aps-c mono cmos available, and nearly all the smaller sensors have compromises, amp glow, microlensing etc. I just bought an Asi 2600mc Aps-c osc and will hold out for a mono equivalent, if one is to ever appear.

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Yeah, the absence of the larger mono CMOS sensors is a problem (the ASI 6200 being the exception but it’s high end spend), that’s why the next camera spend for myself and @Tomatobro’s portable dark site rig will likely be a KAF 16200 CCD.

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You do get a nice wide field with a full frame camera although be prepared to crop. 

this was taken some years ago with my canon 6d. It’s probably a 80% crop. 

Sorry posted this image twice 

Edited by Ken82
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On 08/06/2020 at 17:47, tomato said:

Yeah, the absence of the larger mono CMOS sensors is a problem (the ASI 6200 being the exception but it’s high end spend), that’s why the next camera spend for myself and @Tomatobro’s portable dark site rig will likely be a KAF 16200 CCD.

I'm in a similar position. I would LOVE the new mono ASI 6200 but adding the wheel and filters (yikes!) it amounts to much more than I want to spend. So on a whim I've bought a (really cheap) second hand Moravian G3-11000 for my William Optics FLT 132. The KAI 11002 is a really old sensor now and looking at the quantum efficiency graph makes me weep but you know, if I think abut the awesome field of view and the complexities of a mosaic I would have to make otherwise I think it's not a bad decision, especially for LRGB.

And Moravian is developing a camera similar to the ASI6200 so hopefully I will be able to reuse the filter wheel, guide camera and filters once they become available on the seocnd hand market (I am thinking a few year ahead :-))

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