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best Saturn of the season, 1st use of Astra image S.W

Pete Presland

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It has been a long wait this year to get the time, or weather to image Saturn this year. An opportunity presented itself on the 19th and the seeing seemed pretty decent as well 🙂 

Saturn obviously very low at around 14 degrees.  some pretty good detail visible though.

C9.25, Asi224mc, ADC, X1.8 Barlow. Stacked around 10% of 30,000 frames.  Astra image software for processing, impressed by the Lucy Richardson deconvolution and particularly the denoise function.


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6 hours ago, CraigT82 said:

Very nice! Doesnt seem to be much in the way of colour though?

It does look a bit washed out, probably due to my clumsy processing 🙂 probably lost some colour during the sharpening/denoise, thank you for your observation, always good to have another sets of eyes!

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It is nice and sharp though, the rings are nice and natural looking without any of the ring artifacts that usually appear when trying to get too much out of it.

I've never been considered anything else other than AS3 and registax for processing so will check out Astra image.

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Yeah not bad, definitely a bit more colour but I think the rings may have suffered a little?  Have you  tried processing the globe and rings separately? 

I had real trouble getting decent colour in mine captured on the 18th (using 290mono and rgb), really had to push the hue/saturation to get it looking yellow, which ruined it overall and ended up not bothering even posting it! 

Its really hard when the planets are so low, but I think the good thing about persevering when others might have given up is that we get the chance to really learn and develop the collection and processing methods, and really get the best out of the data we've got so that when they finally rise up higher we will be able to produce the most stunning images with everything we've learned... or something like that anyway! ;)

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Another go at this SER file today. I stacked again AS3, rather than doing the RGB align in Registax 6. I used the individual RGB sliders to increase the values on the histogram, while ensuring i didn't clip any of them (hopefully).

Then i followed the same process in Astraimage as before for sharpening/denoise. The result is certainly brighter, maybe a little to bright in the center and has a little more color again?



Edited by Pete Presland
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3 hours ago, neil phillips said:

Nice one Pete. Not easy that low. As you say seeing must have been quite stable to get a result like that this low. Good to see you still imaging.

Its been a quite period imaging wise of late. I have some very tall conifers not far from me that have been blocking access to Jupiter and Saturn until they have transited the meridian. So i only get to view/image them on the way down. 

Definitely having a go at Uranus again soon though, Mars should be excellent next year as well, sandstorms permitting 🙂 

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On 15/11/2019 at 05:57, orion25 said:

Wow! They're all great images but that third one really pops out, Pete. Nice job!


Thank you very much Reggie. I find it really tricky to know whether i have got the most of an image or not. I looked at this thread on the house computer a couple of days ago and thought the last image looks a bit "over-saturated" in the centre of the disc. looking today on my laptop, it looks ok again.

I guess mostly down to screen calibration of the individual devices.

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