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Why does this happen . . . . !


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7 hours ago, Nigeyboy said:

so why when the clouds clear, does it seem to coincide with a full moon

At least one US astronomer refers to Moistons.

I'm not sure of the exact science involved but it seems that most astronomy gear, especially when it's new, emit Moiston molecules. These Moistons group together to form huge clouds. The full Moon is capable of absorbing Moistons and thus giving us relatively clear nights but reemits them as it ebbs towards becoming new again.

Moistons also collect inside unopened telescope boxes and are released into the atmosphere whenever a newly purchased telescope is opened. This is the reason why professional companies such as @FLOsupply their telescopes with the warning:


Although there is still much to be discovered, many astronomers believe Moistons look something like the image below. A fluffy, cute but on closer inspection mean looking oxygen with two hydrogens for punchy fists:



Edited by Rob Sellent
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I can not argue with the Moistons theory, I bought a Skywatcher 8" Dob, and it was a clear night right up until I finished assembly and went outside. The moistens must have escaped into the atmosphere when I opened the door, as it clouded over immediately. They have not dispersed since...

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