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Saturn V flight computer


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Luke Talley was one of the engineers at IBM working on the Saturn V flight computers (LVDC). Destin spent some time with him and the gear at the museum in Huntsville. So much of interest here.

The video is 45 minutes long but it's worth every minute. Fascinating stuff and this guy is an absolute treasure.


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2 hours ago, niallk said:

Listened to it on my commute this morning: fascinating!!

I could listen to that guy talk about his work all day long.  Thanks for posting!

He’s amazing isn’t he. It’s wonderful to listen to a person who knows their field(s) so well. And such a good nature too. 

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I have been using computer from age 12 and professionally and been looking through telescopes from the same age. I have a full amature radio licence. This is the best video I think I have ever seen to encompass all these things. Amazing. 

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I find it amazing that engineers/scientists from the pre-internet age can retain so much knowledge an information in their heads for pretty much instant recall.  I guess they had to, looking stuff up in reference books would take too long!  

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45 minutes ago, CraigT82 said:

I find it amazing that engineers/scientists from the pre-internet age can retain so much knowledge an information in their heads for pretty much instant recall....

We have guys who worked on projects from the late 70's. We are often doing jobs now around the work done back then and its far more useful and fun talking to these guys than paperwork. They're getting old but but once you fire them up. 

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Brilliant video, thanks for posting. 

Luke Talley, what a top guy, you get to see how they made it to the moon with Luke, and lots of others like him, working on the project.

Was it Jim Lovell who said, “Getting to the moon wasn’t a miracle, we just decided to go.”

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Thanks for sharing, big Linus fan so suprised I missed this, will have to subscribe to Destin's channel as the vids all seem pretty interesting.

Funny watching Linus practically shaking waiting to ask about the liquid cooling 🤣

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