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Howdy doody


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Hi there, I've been a member of this forum, which is fab by the way, for a wee while, happily reading posts but nowt to say for myself really.

I'm in Aberdeenshire, and this week the skys have been wonderfully clear so i've been out with scope and binocs.

However, ive had my scope (meade etx 125 which hubby bought me for xmas) for 3 years, but with clear skys so few and far between, ive hardly had it out so to speak.

Needless to say, i forget info all about setting up the go to etc.. and just blunder out. All i wanted to do was make the scope go up down left right using cursors on handset.

well did it not want me to set time etc.., and i dont know which button to press to make it go away, it ends up tellng me facts about mercury and the motor starts moving- you get the picture, i should have genned up using the manual never mind, i saw bits and bobs.

Anyways, got up this morning, really hard frost out side everything frosted and still. My son goes to me "mum, do you know you left your binoculars outside on the table?" sure enough, i had while taking the scope in last night, and they were frozen, left them to defrost which didnt happen, so took them in, they are working fine now. :withstupid:

Its a beautiful clear day today so hopefully get out for a bit tonight, i'll defo read up on working of scope beforehand. I might have to replace batteries as motor sticky then goes dinging super fast.Oh and i'll try and mind to take in binocs.


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Hey billy any advice you can give me on the etx would be very welcome!and to beatlesfab im in the same boat as you!the etx is not easy to work out,ive only used mine about 6 times due to bad weather.what i really need is to be using it most nights to get to know its functions,being a male i never read instructions haha!!!!

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