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Partial Lunar Eclipse Tonight


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Had a very enjoyable evening chatting with some members of Flamsteed Society on Blackheath and enjoying the various phases of the eclipse- wonderful 😊 Apparently the ancient Greeks worked out the Earth is 4x the diameter of Moon by watching its shadow! (phone pic to prove I was there)


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Just finished checking through my pics.  As I said in an earlier post, I was lucky it cleared just about at maximum eclipse.  The conditions were not the best, but overall I'm pleased with what I got - it could have been nothing !

The pics in sequence from the top and left to right were taken at, 2237, 2252, 2258, 2316, 2324 and 2335.

All taken with my SW 72ED with an Olympus EM5 Mk11.

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I had a very pleasant evening as well! I met some friends at Olympiapark, the former olympic parc in Munich. It's a great place to watch celestial events, due to the fact that the park has lots of hills without obstructions.

The seeing was excellent. I just had with me a small 4" Maksutov, the awesome and very portable Sky-Watcher AZ-GTi and a few eyepieces. I also packed my Fuji X-T3 and a small 55-200mm lens to take pictures. Everything fits in a photo backpack.

In Munich, we started seeing the shadow around 10pm. 

We also took a look at Saturn, Jupiter and its moons, and even the ISS came to say hello :) It was really nice to share this moment with friends and random people, most of them had never looked through a telescope and especially enjoyed Saturn and Jupiter. The AZ-GTi is the perfect companion for this kind of improvised sessions: it's so small and easy to use, and both the tracking and the Go-To were very precise.

Here are a few pictures I grabbed with my Fuji, ranging from 10pm to midnight :) 









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10 hours ago, John said:

I popped up to our society observatory to observe the partial eclipse - the SE/S horizon there is much lower than mine so I was able to follow events from very soon after moonrise.

I had my trusty Vixen 102 refractor with me and had wonderful views of all the phases of the eclipse that are on show from the UK plus Saturn, Jupiter and an ISS pass down the line as well. Great stuff !

The moon went through such a range of colours from fiery orange to delicate copper pink. The shadow cast by the Earth created a "false terminator" but of course is was also a soft edged terminator with pink light gradually suffusing the darker portion as the eclipse unfolded.

One of the best sessions this year I reckon and a lovely evening spent in a quiet rural setting :smiley:

A fitting way to mark the launch of the first manned mission to the Moon as well :thumbright:

I snapped a selfie of me plus scope on site and also attach the best of my mobile-through-the-eyepiece snaps.



Crikey, you must have very long arms John 🤣🤣

Lovely report, sounds like an ideal place to observe from. Our horizon was blocked by trees meaning it was not visible until 10pm, but watching it rise above the trees in that wonderful orange colour was amazing. The sky stayed clear all night so we saw it right to the end.

Best picture I could get through the Mewlon. Probably should have used the Tak to get wider views, but we had a lovely Lyra Optics 102mm there which gave that. A very pleasant evening all round.


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7 hours ago, JOC said:

We walked back from the pub at about 21:30 - 22:00 we got a cracking view.


Erm........many people view things quite differently when walking home from the pub........😁😁

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22 minutes ago, NGC 1502 said:


Erm........many people view things quite differently when walking home from the pub........😁😁

Are you talking about the super duper full blood sabre toothed tiger eclipsed moon with bells on? 🤣🤣

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Sadly I was driving most of the evening but as I can down the M1 into Leicestershire I saw the pink crescent rising, and was able to watch it for then next 90 minutes or so as I came through Northants and Bucks, including a brief appearance of the ISS nearby at abou 22.05 and a nice bright Jupiter.  Alas, by the time I got home I was too pooped to take any pictures.  

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18 minutes ago, Ludd said:

Sadly I was driving most of the evening but as I can down the M1 into Leicestershire I saw the pink crescent rising, and was able to watch it for then next 90 minutes or so as I came through Northants and Bucks, including a brief appearance of the ISS nearby at abou 22.05 and a nice bright Jupiter.  Alas, by the time I got home I was too pooped to take any pictures.  


‘Ello ‘Ello ‘Ello............I am the Chief Constable of Leicestershire  Police and you are being reported for driving without due care and attention.

You could also be in deep trouble with the Northants and Bucks police too............



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