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Internal space required for scope ??


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Can any one please give me some direction as to what would be the best internal size as such, for a scope that has an over all length of 4 ft 8 inches; as some of you out there will know that i have a Skywatcher 300 12 " reflector, but limited to the space for an observatory, so, if i can get some thoughts on this i would be very grateful. 


                                                                                                              Best regards to all,               Tom...

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Assuming you mean space around the scope inside an observatory I would suggest 18" (450-500mm) minimum all round.  That gives you just about enough room to squeeze yourself past the scope - assuming you are of at least only moderate proportions!! 😯

It also allows room for the inevitable additions and extensions to the scope that will happen as you use it.

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Thanks chaps; i am wanting to get an idea of internal minimum's so as to gauge what would be the best size of shed to get for conversion to an observatory, space is at a push in the back garden as it is the best place for not getting certain road lights shining over, just two tall ones but they are there all the same !; i would like to know what i would need to remote view from my PC inside my house?!.

                                                                                                           Many grateful thanks and regards,          Tom. 

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I refer everyone to this extremely useful blog on working out the swept volume of a telescope rig:


Then the challenge is to decide how much clearance you want at the sides and above. The @ollypenricerule is that you should be able to shut the roof without hitting the scope in any orientation because if you can you will!

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My obsy is quite small so at the extremes there's only about 400mm between the EP and the circular wall. At first I was worried this would make it a bit tight but actually I really like it because I can lean on the wall when observing which really helps with comfort and steadiness at the EP - it also lessens the chance of spilling my brandy :D


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My biggest scopes have to be parked in a particular orientation to be able to open or close the roof.  OK so I didn't plan for a big enough scope when I designed my observatory.  This is a frequent mistake.  A warning to observatory designers - plan well ahead, you may upgrade your equipment!

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I no longer use my warm room as such - it's just storage (muddle) space and for the observatory power supply and battery backup.  It could be smaller and the scope room bigger.  Also, the south side wall could do with being lower with more of the roof side rolling off.  Actually, a completely different design if I were starting over again.  Lots of things have changed since I built my observatory about 8 years ago.

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I am very grateful for these replies, i had a prior post that i finished off with the prospects of not being able to carry on , but, things have progressed a late, the back garden is not re done so as to help due to my wife and i health problems, this in mined has given me a better aspect as to what and where the Obs should be placed, i am also thinking now that i should invest in a good astro camera colour, and Wi-Fi it to my bed room and thus my main PC, any thing to make life that more easy, lol.


                                                                                                Thanks and very best regards to all,     Tom.

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