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Another "in 'ya face" picture from me ! :)  This time of M33 from data from 2017/2018.  2 hours of luminance, 75 mins each of RGB and two hours of Ha.  TEC140 and Atik 460 and Baader LRGBHa .125mm filters.  Seeing generally poor.  I could not control the orange bright star at the bottom left at 7 o'clock or the bright white star at 4 o'clock.  I could patch them out but I feel that would be cheating.  Not a lot to show for that two hours hard work getting that Ha data......

As with my M31 and M51 this week, constructive comments and critiques always welcome; there is no other way of learning!  I have tried to tone this one down a bit though.   I'll leave you to decide whether or not I was successful ;) 


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2 minutes ago, Laurin Dave said:

Very nice Steve..  great colour (I liked your colourful M51 too).  I think though that you have black clipped the outer bits..  it probably just about fills that frame 


Yes Dave, I have cropped them. You have very sharp eyes ;)   I had to because I did not get my alignment right across multiple nights during capture and I had a horrible mismatch of alignement after image registration between RGBHa and the luminance :(   The only way I  could get rid was by clipping back further than I would ideally have liked to in those parts of the image and as a consequence have lost a few outside bits.  Darn, you guys are waaayyy too clever.....!!

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There's real hires and detail in the image and I'm looking hard for the wispy bits. Isn't there any way for it to rise above the black clipped background and show even more detail? A bit of cheating perhaps....

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It's a lovely image. 

My only comment is that you may have clipped the black point a bit too aggressively and makes the contrast look a bit too stark.  In comparison your M51 looked better in this regard.  

On the other hand I always find M33 is always a pain in the proverbial to process correctly for some reason.

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Here's another version with not quite as much clipped.  I also dropped the saturation a bit too.  You can see where my framing was out during data acquisition :( so when I registered all the lights the luminance ones had to be rotated.  So when I did LRGB combination I am left with that hard edge.  This is the reason I over clipped slightly on the first version to disguise this hard edge  I tried to use the blur tool in Photoshop but it makes it green.,  I need to work out how to use that tool.

Personally I prefer the original, more vibrant version but I bow to the collective wisdom of the Oracle :) 


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Very nice--I like #2 because brightness steals detail and the core is more clearly defined.  I think though that #2 could use a saturation boost--maybe not quite as much as in #1, but some.  Its a very clear, balanced image\


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