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Yet another building project


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6 minutes ago, Nigella Bryant said:

I have my Neq6 loaded with an 00uk 12inch f4 Newtonian. Very able mount, load around 18kg, tube, 70mm guide scope, cameras, electronic focusers, etc.


Hi Nigella,

Basically the same OO scope, but I use an OAG rather than a separate guidescope.

Had the mount for quite a few years now and had it upgraded with the belt drive. I also fitted a larger secondary and a feathertouch focuser.

I use three counterweights and it balances well. Personally I would not want to fit anything bigger, even though I expect it would work. Am impressed with how tidy your cabling is, I just run them down the mount with a couple of cable ties onto self adhesive bases.


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A couple of days of progress. Got the mount installed, it's quite a lift into the dome and at around 50kg, don't want to drop it!! I took the mounting plate off and ran the extra cables through the mount ready for the scope.

Flushed with success, today it was the turn of the scope to be installed. It took three of us to lift it in safely and fit it to the mount.

I expected the scope to need quite a lot of counterweights and got three. So with all three weights fitted, I checked for balance... Only to learn it's not enough !! It's close, maybe a kg or so but I still need to fit the focuser and cameras, etc. For perspective, each weighs 30 lbs(13.5kg) so now I have another delay waiting for an extension bar...






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2 minutes ago, Alan White said:

That sack barrow puts the size of the ODK into perspective,
unless of course it's an Action Man sized trolley!

It is monstrous... The wall of the dome is 0.8m high.

And surprisingly heavy when lifting it in place !!!

So relieved it's done now...


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2 minutes ago, JamesF said:

I'd have been tempted to find an alternative weight and add it inboard of the top one :)

Amazing how that OTA makes the mount look so small, mind.


My first thought was a fourth weight, but they are almost Eur500 each... The extension bar is half that price and its weight will probably be enough..

The dome was a big space - 3m diameter - which is now pretty full too...

It didn't look that big at Astrofest.. (Should have gone to Specsavers) 😲


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1 minute ago, JamesF said:

Ah, me being a cheapskate wouldn't have paid another 500 Euros.  I'd have found a weight from a dumbbell or something like that :)


Yes, I did think about drilling out an unused Skywatcher weight, but I am so far down the rabbit warren, it would be a shame to spoil the whole thing now...

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7 minutes ago, Bukko said:

Yes, I did think about drilling out an unused Skywatcher weight, but I am so far down the rabbit warren, it would be a shame to spoil the whole thing now...

It all looks the same in the dark :D

Though I do appreciate your point of view...


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18 hours ago, Bukko said:

My first thought was a fourth weight, but they are almost Eur500 each... The extension bar is half that price and its weight will probably be enough..

The dome was a big space - 3m diameter - which is now pretty full too...

It didn't look that big at Astrofest.. (Should have gone to Specsavers) 😲


Absolutely crazy, how can anyone justify Eur500 for a lump of metal, however they tart it up. I had a similar issue with Avalon on their additional weights, although it didn't amount to anywhere near Eur500. I took one of my existing weights to a CNC machine shop and they made me one better than the original and for 1/3rd the price.


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Hi Steve,

At 13.5kg, they are reasonably heavy and the machining quality is excellent. The tightening screws so smooth as well but I also struggle with the cost. I went for the extension bar instead. But it's still over Eur200 for it. 20cm long and around 3.2kg in weight. I guess exchange rates and transporting steel from the USA adds a premium but still...

I am pretty stuck without it so have little choice.


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So latest update.

I Fitted the focuser and camera assembly, so it is fully loaded now. I checked the cables were long enough, as it is quite a lot of work to pull them through further if required. The problem is there were a lot of cables installed already so there was not as much room left as I hoped. Anyway, all done now.

I thought about what James had said and before spending more money, thought it worthwhile checking how much more weight is required. The focuser and camera assembly is pretty heavy so increasing teh amount of imbalance. I found an old unused 5kg SW weight and cut it in half. A bit of gaffer tape and I removed the transit screws. Still top heavy so strapped a second on and it is now slightly weight heavy. So that's slightly over 50kg of counterweights so I guess I am around 50% of the capacity of the mount. Should be good.

Instead of getting the extra weight, I have the extension piece on order and due in on Monday. Hopefully it was the right decision and hanging the weights lower does the job.

Anyway, here's a few snaps showing progress...





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18 minutes ago, Davey-T said:

Looking good Gordon, will you be adding electronic focusing ?


Thanks, Dave.

I have been thinking about the focussing, for now, I was going to see how it goes. If I find the focus moves during a session, then I will add it. The focuser is a 3" feathertouch and the Starlight Instruments system is terribly expensive so it would need to be something more reasonably priced...


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30 minutes ago, Bukko said:

Thanks, Dave.

I have been thinking about the focussing, for now, I was going to see how it goes. If I find the focus moves during a session, then I will add it. The focuser is a 3" feathertouch and the Starlight Instruments system is terribly expensive so it would need to be something more reasonably priced...


I find it pretty indispensable Gordon and I'm usually standing beside the scope 😂

All the " standard " motor focusers fit most anything with appropriate brackets.


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Will probably get there sometime, but for now, I have enough going on to keep me occupied...

A couple of nights ago, we were woken with the sound of water running from the downstairs kitchen - hidden behind one of the water heaters, the "plumber" had capped the ends of the water lines with iron fittings. The one on the hot water side had failed and mains pressure water was flooding the kitchen, the hallway, into the store room and the lounge. Thankfully the water did not get into the bedrooms and only the hall carpet and a couple of smaller rugs got wet in the lounge. I mean, what sort of idiot uses iron in a water system??? It's taken us a couple of days to get everything back to normal.

So having fixed the patio and dried up the extra swimming pool we had in the garage, we found ourselves with another one indoors this time. Not sure it is a selling point though. Anyway, now properly fixed, I am waiting for the next problem...

In the meantime, I will get on with programming the pc's controlling what I have and then see if Mrs. Bukko will let me spend some more...


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1 hour ago, Bukko said:

Thanks, Dave.

I have been thinking about the focussing, for now, I was going to see how it goes. If I find the focus moves during a session, then I will add it. The focuser is a 3" feathertouch and the Starlight Instruments system is terribly expensive so it would need to be something more reasonably priced...


Hi Gordon..  that all looks great .. the Lakeside focuser will fit on the FT..  with a custom bracket  got one on mine, works well.  SX-46 or 56 ?  


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15 minutes ago, Laurin Dave said:

Hi Gordon..  that all looks great .. the Lakeside focuser will fit on the FT..  with a custom bracket  got one on mine, works well.  SX-46 or 56 ?  



I baulked at the runaway costs of going for the 56 and associated hardware upgrades to go with it.

I looked at all the 16200 options and went for the SX. I already have good experience with their stuff and their aftersales is excellent. The big 9 position FW allows me to have a full set of filters and the integrated OAG tidies everything up. OO took the dimensions of the system and fabricated a socket with the correct back focus distance.

The Lakeside would be my first choice, IKI sold them, but he is now closing down.

Really, the pix do not do the system justice.



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Got one too.. great camera, only the 5 posn wheel though..  as you say after sales excellent and they’re only just down the road from me..  maybe a photo of you standing proudly beside it would give us all a better sense of scale. When do you anticipate first light? 


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Will try and get a picture for scale purpose. (I am 6' 1" and can't see the mirror...)

First light will be a few weeks, the weather has not been great and I keep being sidetracked with other priorities. My sons are planning on coming over in September/October so if not before, then I wil llean on them to help with the programming....


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Great week this week, the counterdeight shaft extension arrived and when added, the 3kg shaft pretty much balanced one of the 5kg weights I had added. Moving them around has given me the balance with loads of movement left. So only three were needed.

Now I have the Skywatcher C/W that I had cut in half to dispose of, so I am thinking of putting it on ebay and mark it as "slightly used". 🤣🤣



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Congratulations on your truly impressive build. :thumbsup:

No need for the hideously expensive Starlight motor focus system.
The cheapest Skywatcher clone DC motor focuser easily drives the 3.5" Starlight FT focuser via one of the black motion knobs via a timing belt and 10T pulley.
It will vertically lift the weight of the Lacerta 2" solar prism and ZWO camera or binoviewer. Even more if you drive the golden slow motion knob.
You won't want nor like the cheapo paddle in the kit though.
Remote motor focusing is a huge bonus even if you are right beside the telescope. Particularly when focusing via a big monitor.
The difference in whether you are in exact focus or completely out is absolutely microscopic even on my 7" f/12 refractor.
You wouldn't know this until you stopped using manual focusing.  :wink2:

P1380677 rsz 600.JPG

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