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Getting excited!


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Skies look clear for once, and my little group are heading off to our dark site for what I hope will be a great nights observing.

I have my 14" Dob and Televue Genesis in the car, Gavin will have his 16" and Baader 95mm triplet which we may put side by side for NV on my Ercole mount. We will also have a 10" f6.3 dob and an 8" newt.

Should be good!

Looking at the satellite, hopefully quite a few of us are in for a good night! Bring on those reports once you've surfaced in the morning. There will be a duvet and pillow on the sette for me when I get home so I don't wake Mrs Stu with cold feet!! ???



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I'm still trying to wrap my mind around that 16C temperature in your post. It snowed here in Ottawa, Ontario this morning, and now we've got freezing rain, turning to rain this evening. Tomorrow, Sunday, we may reach 2C. We haven't seen better than 8C yet this year. I hope you and your little group had as much fun as it sounded like you were going to have. Now if you'll excuse me, I let the dog out earlier, and I've got to go defrost him.

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11 minutes ago, Seanelly said:

I'm still trying to wrap my mind around that 16C temperature in your post. It snowed here in Ottawa, Ontario this morning, and now we've got freezing rain, turning to rain this evening. Tomorrow, Sunday, we may reach 2C. We haven't seen better than 8C yet this year. I hope you and your little group had as much fun as it sounded like you were going to have. Now if you'll excuse me, I let the dog out earlier, and I've got to go defrost him.

If it helps, I think the max in the UK today was 19C :)

It was a bit chillier last night but not that bad at all.

Apologies to anyone anticipating a report. I got home at 2am and have been pretty shattered all day. We had a very good session, although the transparency knocked the contrast out of the galaxies and limited how deep we could go. I will right something up tomorrow.

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