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Yet another M42 !!!

Skipper Billy

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I am sure we are all bored with images of M42 but last week was the last chance this year so I had a pop at it. Imaged over 3 nights in between the rain and snow showers. Shocking transparency and seeing. 3 hours in 300 sec subs Lum binned 1x1 and 1 hour in 120 sec subs of RGB binned 2x2 for the main image and 20 mins in 10 sec subs binned 1x1 and 10 mins in 5 sec subs binned 2x2 for the core. 4" frac with Atik 460. Both images fully calibrated with Darks, Bias and Flats and processed in Pixinsight. Full resolution version here - https://www.flickr.com/photos/113316085@N05/39998405003/in/album-72157675109735132/

As always constructive criticism most welcomed.




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10 minutes ago, Skipper Billy said:

I am sure we are all bored with images of M42

Absolutely not ?

one of my favourites, and you have done a good job on this in spite of the conditions, i like the subtle pink,

thanks for sharing,

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2 minutes ago, ZiHao said:

What's actually binning? Does it give higher resolution by combining pixels? Can you do this in software or? Sorry for my ignorance..

It depends on the resolution of the telescope / camera combination which aims to be somewhere between 1 and 3 arc seconds per pixel roughly so binning can be used to achieve this if needed.


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