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Going To GoTo (Probably)

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It looks like I may well be getting an NEQ6 secondhand, mostly for astrophotography use. (Caution is everything so I will be making sure it can guide/slew to a good standard.) I will be guiding using an ASI120, with a 130PDS on top carrying a modded 1000d. This is my 1st goto mount, up until now ive used an eq5 with trackers.

I think this is the software needed, but I just don't get how its all connected together.

  • APT (already using) for capture.
  • Stellarium (already using) for slew commands. (?)
  • EQMod for controlling the scope. (?)
  • PHD (already using) for guiding.
  • SynScan RS232 -> USB for guiding/control.

How do I get the mount connected to Stellarium so I can click on stuff and it goes to them, and is Stellarium the best software to use?

Am I best using the on mount ST4 or the RS232 cable for guiding, and how do I set it up?

How do I connect EQMod, and what exactly does it do?

Will my cameras work with this setup?

It's all rather confusing, perhaps someone could help me out with some tips on how to get it working. :) 

Thanks for looking,


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18 minutes ago, JohnSadlerAstro said:


It looks like I may well be getting an NEQ6 secondhand, mostly for astrophotography use. (Caution is everything so I will be making sure it can guide/slew to a good standard.) I will be guiding using an ASI120, with a 130PDS on top carrying a modded 1000d. This is my 1st goto mount, up until now ive used an eq5 with trackers.

I think this is the software needed, but I just don't get how its all connected together.

  • APT (already using) for capture.
  • Stellarium (already using) for slew commands. (?)
  • EQMod for controlling the scope. (?)
  • PHD (already using) for guiding.
  • SynScan RS232 -> USB for guiding/control.

How do I get the mount connected to Stellarium so I can click on stuff and it goes to them, and is Stellarium the best software to use?

Am I best using the on mount ST4 or the RS232 cable for guiding, and how do I set it up?

How do I connect EQMod, and what exactly does it do?

Will my cameras work with this setup?

It's all rather confusing, perhaps someone could help me out with some tips on how to get it working. :) 

Thanks for looking,


Apt -yes

stellarium yes,  you need stellarium scope too,or use Carte Du Ciel found latter easier to use . so connect scope click on object -slew- check fov in image if happy snc 

Eq mod yes you need an EQ direct cable https://www.firstlightoptics.com/sky-watcher-mount-accessories/lynx-astro-ftdi-eqdir-usb-adapter-for-sky-watcher-eq6-or-neq6-syntrek-pro-mounts.html no need for st4 

Phd -yes

once eqmod set up and communicating with mount you'll be ok basically lets all software communicate to mount  ,cameras are fine i use 1000D , APT has plate solving ability once set up take a picture solve -choose object- slew -sync -done  , 






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I would do not really bother with stellarium. You can just use platesolve in APT.  I normally take one quick shot from the home position and solve this then sync. Then just choose my target from the list within APT and then use goto++

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56 minutes ago, Uranium235 said:

It's either stellarium or eqmod, not both.

you'll confuse him ,using Eqmod does away with having to use the handset assuming you have computer to control mount , having a planetarium software  running is good for reference ,APT can be configured to auto connect to scope in settings , so EQ mod will always be used , but if your imaging then you can use the Objects list in  APT and with platesolving working  to go to whatever target fairly accurately ,then GoTo++ for final framing  ,flick over to CDC assuming you connect to scope and you can see where your scope is pointing on the map if you want ,once you get your head around how it all works you'll be amazed .

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30 minutes ago, bottletopburly said:

you'll confuse him ,using Eqmod does away with having to use the handset assuming you have computer to control mount , having a planetarium software  running is good for reference ,APT can be configured to auto connect to scope in settings , so EQ mod will always be used , but if your imaging then you can use the Objects list in  APT and with platesolving working  to go to whatever target fairly accurately ,then GoTo++ for final framing  ,flick over to CDC assuming you connect to scope and you can see where your scope is pointing on the map if you want ,once you get your head around how it all works you'll be amazed .

There's not much to be confused about. My recommendation is to use as little as possible at first. Just the capture software, PHD and the handset (only resorting to stellarium for sharpless, vdb, ldn, lbn etc). It's an arrangement that's been perfectly adequate for my imaging needs since 2010. 

Only introduce other elements once it's settled as you don't want to be in the situation where you're struggling to get the software to work as the stars pass you by. 

There's been a few occasions at star parties where some have their heads down looking at monitors, pushing buttons and scratching heads - while I'm already well into my imaging run with the simple no-nonsense  approach ;) 

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Save yourself a headache and use CdC as your planetarium software connected to scope. It works natively with Eqmod and you can sync where the scope is actually looking. I couldn't get Stellarium Scope to do this. Also, stick with APT as your already familiar. You can even use it's library of popular targets to get started so no need for CdC, Stellarium etc.


Ps. Have a look at getting the APT platesolving libraries installed. You don't even need the scope connected for this. You can install all the directories needed and use some of your previous images to solve and make sure it's all working in advance.

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I go one (backward!) step further than Rob and don't control my mounts via PC at all. I do everything via handset, meaning my mounts are entirely inaccessible to the infernal internet, Windows updates etc and are immune from USB/com port issues. Bliss. If an object isn't in the handset what's the problem? I model the proposed image on my office PC planetarium (for me SkyMap Pro), put in the virtual CCD frame for the rig in question and note the RA and Dec of the centre point on a piece of paper. (I'd prefer goatskin or papyrus but they are hard to get...) This is how we built up the 30-odd panel, 400 hour Orion image.

When I had a PC-dependent Tak mount running in a planetarium it would be 'Device not recognized' or some other codswallop about once a week. Good riddance.

I'm bemused by the modern way of never touching anything with your hands and insisting that the most unreliable part of your setup - the IT side - be given a chance to sabotage your every move.


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Thanks for the advice everyone, I really appreciate it! :)  

I am buying a power supply from FLO, so while I am paying for the postage I could as well get the Skywatcher SynScan PC to Mount cable I guess, although just using the handset does seem attractive as its a lot simpler. I think to start with I will go really basic and then gradually implement PC control if necessary. I already know APT and PHD2 so I will be able to concentrate on getting the goto calibration worked out etc. ;) 


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Another vote for CdC/EQmod here.  I don't even remember how to use the handset.

I understand Olly's point.  I'm lucky enough to have a system where Microsoft cannot be contacted, so I don't get updates.  I also disable internet access when I am imaging - to save power.

CdC and EQmod happily co-exist with APT. 


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36 minutes ago, don4l said:

CdC and EQmod happily co-exist with APT. 

Slightly embarrassed to say, though my setup hasn't been running that long it does use CdC, SharpCap, EQmod, APT,PHD2 and AstroEQ - and I can't remember how I set everything up as it just works! Imaging setup consists of using SharpCap for polar alignment followed by slewing to a bright star not too far from the target for more accurate goto alignment using CdC. APT works well controlling the mount for dithered images.

I can't comment on using a handset as I've never had one. PC is a battery powered netbook with a USB powered hub as there's not enough USB ports on the netbook.

Presumably everyone to their own setup that works for them. Could be a problem if I have to change something ..... can't quite remember how it goes together ?



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21 hours ago, JohnSadlerAstro said:


It looks like I may well be getting an NEQ6 secondhand, mostly for astrophotography use. (Caution is everything so I will be making sure it can guide/slew to a good standard.) I will be guiding using an ASI120, with a 130PDS on top carrying a modded 1000d. This is my 1st goto mount, up until now ive used an eq5 with trackers.

I think this is the software needed, but I just don't get how its all connected together.

  • APT (already using) for capture.
  • Stellarium (already using) for slew commands. (?)
  • EQMod for controlling the scope. (?)
  • PHD (already using) for guiding.
  • SynScan RS232 -> USB for guiding/control.

How do I get the mount connected to Stellarium so I can click on stuff and it goes to them, and is Stellarium the best software to use?

Am I best using the on mount ST4 or the RS232 cable for guiding, and how do I set it up?

How do I connect EQMod, and what exactly does it do?

Will my cameras work with this setup?

It's all rather confusing, perhaps someone could help me out with some tips on how to get it working. :) 

Thanks for looking,


So if you have a computer equipped with a real serial port you don't need anything special at all to connect a NEQ6 to a computer, no USB serial trickery - you just plug a cable into the PC serial port - they're cheap on a well known auction site, this solves the issue of windows renumbering your serial ports when you don't want it, or the cable coming with a hard set port that's already set to something else on the machine.


As others have highlighted if you're still using an SLR then the goto/platesolving in APT is pretty good - whatever your solution you need EQmod and ASCOM installed as that's how astronomy gizmo's talk and play properly across multiple programs, so APT talks to to EQmod to move the mount via the correct ASCOM driver - all a non issue.

The handset works fine too - but you have no choice but to use the computer to control the mount for PHD guiding so you might as well use EQmod and plate-solving to perfectly frame your target, its a non-decision.  (You dont need EQmod if you are only guiding!)


Regarding stellarium or CdC for your planetarium - whilst stellarium looks much prettier, its naff, its a pig to connect and stay connected and needs loads of settings changed to show you what CdC shows you by default and connects first time every time with one click.


I personally never got on with APT - so I use astrotortilla for my platesolving - point the mount with CdC, use astrotortilla to confirm the mount is looking in the right position and move it till it is then image with SharpCap.

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