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Clear skies but rubbish seeing tonight


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Just been out for an hour thinking it looked good, clear skies here. Moon and Mars showing.  Got the 120 equinox out and found the seeing was very iffy so gave up after a brief lunar session.

Hope it's better where you are.


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Same in Sweden.

I took the TV85 to try out a new dark site but the moon + haze made deep sky a non-starter. Despite poor seeing I DID at least manage to see some detail, including the southern polar ice cap, on Mars using a ZWO ADC which was rewarding. Mars has been very low in the sky here at 60˚N...

Quick looks at Uranus, Neptune and a fearless herd of deer that passed by and it was time to head home and pour a beer.

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Clear here as well but seeing not so good, using my 6" f8 newt mars showed as gibbous but no detail just orange with a bit of white around one side. The eyepieces I used were 24 panoptic, 10, 6 delos and 4.5 morpheus. The Moon showed nice crisp detail and was best viewed in the 10 delos. I used my newly acquired 4.5 morpheus to look at some doubles including iota cas, almach, eta per, the double double and polaris. The thing that struck me most about this eyepiece was the contrast against a black background and the vivid colours of the stars, I'm really impressed with this eyepiece, will be getting the 17.5 next.


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Just got in from looking at Mars and the moon. High cloud present, but I actually had good views of Mars from here (South of Bristol). Darker areas on the disk defined better than I have seen them for some time. You just can never tell, can you!

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