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Magnetic clouds


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Like magnets these are drawn to astronomical events.

IMG_6187.thumb.JPG.684f19c4f231d06a25b83a13ff726c0e.JPGI began my capture early one morning waiting in a field for the transit of Venus. As the sky brightened , the only thing worth observing was a MacD's sign a few miles away. There is no doubt that once again Middle Earth ? has been affected ,

old Nick.

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Nick, just too true to be funny!

For the Venus transit we were completely clouded out, until the last few moments of it. Quick as a flash I drove to the only place I could get an early morning glimpse of it, and set up my PST. Another local observer had gone to the same place.

I decided to take a photo of us in "action", and stepped back and took a photo. Just a moment afterwards a big lorry went by with the name of a local company on it, which could have fitted into the same frame as the sun, the tripods and observers. The name of the company on the lorry?  "In Transit"  I will always rue the missed opportunity for an "In Transit" lorry next to a couple of observers with gear watching Venus in transit at silly o clock.

Guess what,  cloudy tonight for the Perseids too ?

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